293 Does It Hurt?

After I got my Wii I spent a fair amount of time perusing the downloadable content for the virtual console. A lot of the games seem a little pricey for the same old shit they’ve been pushing on us for all these years, but whatever. I guess Nintendo holds its outdated stuff in pretty high regard. At any rate, I decided to get Super Castlevania IV. I never understood why they called it IV. It’s just a remake of Castlevania. Super Castlevania would have been enough. Any way, it was one of my favorite SNES games, and they still haven’t given me Earthbound, so I just went with it. I seem to recall being good at the game, but apparently I’ve lost my touch in my old age. My ass was being handed to me by things that often times had no hands with which to accomplish such a feat. Be that as it may, I still had fun. I even broke out the old Tome Of Codes and jumped right to the end of the game. I was all “Hey Dracula, remember me!? I’m here to kick your pre frilly-collar retcon ass, and incidentally, I’m all out of gum!” Yeah, he seemed confused too…


I love how John looks in the last panel, like he’s doing his very best to fathom the depths to which his annoyance, awe, and hatred goes for this amazing little man X3.

If nintendo was smart, they would release ALL of the Earthbounds (mother 1 2 and 3) fully translated. Or at the very least Mother 2 and 3. They would sell the shit out of them. If nintendo was smart it could revive the entire SNES console by just selling japanese imports that are translated.

But Nintendo is, and has proven in it’s past… NOT smart.

Wow poor John it seems everyone got kissed that day except him lol…I love how Ed’s adjusting his glasses in the first panel it just adds to the insult for some reason

If got kissed by not one but two girls at the same time on my first day on the job I’d be an employee for life.

I still have yet to figure out how to connect my Wii to the internet, but once I do I will most definitely do some shopping too. Probably get Kirby’s Adventure and Super Metroid for sure.
I’d also like to exchange a “friend code”, is it? Well whatever it is, I’d like to exchange it with you once I get it. But I don’t foresee that for a while, and even then, I foresee online play even less. I’m not much for online play, I’m afraid.

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