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It’s often so hard, even in ideal circumstances, to express exactly what we mean. Many times we don’t even know for sure what we mean. There’s a vague understanding of what we want, or need, inside of us that we can’t always articulate. Even when you express yourself clearly there’s no guarantee the other parties will know what you’re actually trying to convey. Sometimes they don’t want to understand, and nothing you can say can change that.
I used to believe that you could change someone’s mind with logical arguments and facts. It seemed reasonable because I have often been swayed by information that I had verified to my own satisfaction, but I know now that the best you can do is present your case. In the end people can only change their own minds. All you can do is offer an opportunity. Basically everything follows that system from politics, to religion, to love.

I’ve never fallen out of love with anyone. I’ve always been forced out. Whatever specific defect exists in me that causes this I don’t know. I have walked away from a relationship first, but not because I had fallen out of love. The fact that things would never work simply won out and I was able to gnaw my leg off to escape the trap. I’m sure that if I had had enough relationships over the course of my life I would eventually have found a person who I loved briefly, then got sick of, just through the nature of statistics, but as my relationships have been few I’ve never experienced it. In time I came to accept that the other parties were right to abandon me as a lost cause logically, but emotionally I seethe.

I wrote a long section of things right after the previous thought that I sat here looking at long enough to delete. I know it must be hard to believe, but there are things that even I hesitate to share with random people who observe my work.

I dunno. The sketch version of this page had a more harried look about it that got cleaned up in the final version, and I think it might have changed the tone of how the scene plays. Not completely, but maybe enough that I’m not sure it conveys the emotions I want it to. I don’t edit pages after I post them all that often, but this one certainly has that potential. It’s a fairly simple page, so it wouldn’t be all that difficult and wouldn’t take much time if I decide to do so, but I’m not sure how I feel about it. I guess if you come back after a while and things seem different you’ll know why. My intention is to leave it and see what the reaction is like. I’ve had a lot longer time to sit with these last 5 pages or so than I usually do and that has led to this uncertainty. I very rarely have had the luxury of time, but things worked out in such a way that I did when writing this entire interaction. Too much of a good thing perhaps? I think Jess looks too dead eyed. Maybe I’ll use this hour before posting to see to that.

Didn’t take the entire hour. I think I salvaged the important part of the sketch and recovered the tone I was originally going for. I’m sure it must seem like I’m always half assing this thing, but I assure you I’m always trying my best and simply lack talent. This, unfortunately, is my full ass.

Anyway, I have some things I have to take care of, so I’ll leave you with my sincere attempt at storytelling and fewer words. This scene is coming to a close soon, which I’m sure those of you who hate both of these characters will enjoy very much. For my part I simply hope most of you will return on Friday, safe and alive. Until then, please remember the support links above and below the page, and damn the man.


From what I see, + I don’t always perceive [all] of the emotions people are having, the emotions in this event look like:
[Evrina looks- puzzled, + curious, but also OK], and Jess looks [entreating, yearning + also vulnerable].
Maybe they both are feeling gentle + close to each other, if they are now holding hands.

Also, depending on where the [lines of water are coming from], maybe they’re both tearing up, for reasons that we haven’t been told about, at this time.

“This scene is coming to a close soon, which I’m sure those of you who hate both of these characters will enjoy very much.”

I misread that as something like:

[This scene is coming to…AN UNHAPPY END…soon, which I’m sure those of you who hate both of these characters will enjoy very much.]

Just…please…, DON’T let them get killed, by a [falling King Kong], or something.

*giving you sad, puppy dog eyes*


I think the reason you haven’t fallen out of love is because that stems from the fact that love is, to an extent, a choice, at least within the context of a long term relationship. Like, yeah *attraction* isn’t a choice, but to fall in love, and to stay in love, you need to constantly choose the other person every day, and for a relationship to work they need to also constantly choose you. And so long as you both actively choose each other and there are no circumstances or irreconcilable differences that get in the way, then you can make things work by putting in the work. Only when you stop choosing them do you begin to “fall out of love”, just like how the process of “falling in love” with them began when you first chose them of all the people you were attracted to.

It sounds like you haven’t experienced falling out of love because that choice has always been taken out of your hands in all of your past relationships. Either they stopped choosing you first, or circumstances and/or irreconcilable differences made the choice for you. You didn’t choose to break up with them, you came to the conclusion that you had to, and while some people can use that as an excuse to let themselves stop choosing them, some people get so wrapped up in their love that it requires more active effort to stop making that choice than to continue, and it sounds like that is your case.

I half expected Nina and/or Jo to come out and ask the two what’s going on. But I expect we’ll get to see them next scene … Jo looking on Nina getting lewd with Ed while Ramon is standing dumbfounded

These two are not my favorite characters; Evrina is just so abrasive, and Jess has that kind of arrogance that highly intelligent people can develop (reminds me of my ex). Nevertheless, your nuanced storytelling is keeping me engaged throughout this arc, and I thank you.

Alright, archive binge complete. Took about 4 or 5 days. Good stuff. Kinda miss the different fonts for every character’s voice, but I can imagine that was an utter pain in the ass to do AND a pain to keep straight too

Microsoft regularly loses the rights to, or changes, typefaces available in its software and it became so difficult to match them every time they updated something I finally gave up. Scrolling through hundreds of them for each page became extremely irritating.

I’ve loved two people in my life so far. One for ten years of it. She eventually decided, once i had helped her onto her own two feet, supported and guided her. Encouraged her to be more and better, to basically tell me to my face she no longer felt in love with me, and that was it. Totally cut me out of her life. To this day, the pain remains. And the love. I never stopped. Girl number two is more recent. She just doesn’t want a relationship. Doesn’t bother communicating or anything. So I gave up very quickly, trying to pursue what will never happen. I still love her. But I know it will never be reciprocated. And yeah, the pain remains. It never lessens or goes away. Supposedly, you learn to deal with it.

“I’m not really a man of words…don’t use em’ much myself.” – Jane Cobb

^ anytime i’m presented with an in person verbal exchange of a more conflicted nature

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