2794 Someday The Sun Will Shine.
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Sometimes things can only be a little resolved.
I think I’ll forego the long post. I’m tired. Please remember the links! Such links I have! I hope to see you again on Monday.
Vulnerable Evrina is very affecting but it’s great to see Jessica seems ready for her.
(PS Anyone here type “Evrina” often enough their phone recognizes it? Mine hasn’t yet.)
Anytime ‘internet’ is typed, it’s immediately followed by ‘archive’.
Lol, my old LARP character was named Don and I typed that in my phone so much that don’t now autocorrects to Don, it’s really frustrating, especially now that Don is retired and I don’t need to type it anywhere near as often.
Lo, the drama twixt bunnies and mice!
I look forward to seeing where this goes. And I have a new ship.
It’s a resolution. Take your wins where you can get them.
That’s my philosophy. Sometimes you take an L’s everywhere you got to take a w where you can.
A little resolved is better than no resolved.
Meek Evrina is also refreshing.
Also, replace suitable line with “So I guess a threesome is out of the question?”
Bi, bi, Evrina.
Despite reading this when it was posted, I only just now picked up on that “If you let it go and it doesn’t come back, it was never really yours” subtext.
Ok I admit it. I have the hots for evrina.
The first step is acceptance.