2760 Needs More Fingers.

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This visual gag popped into my head as the most childish thing Nina could do and I couldn’t let it go. The fact that she stops and adjusts her hands is so funny to me. Maybe I don’t have the best art skills to sell it, but I had to try. She’s also so fucking pleased with herself for thinking of it, which is exactly how I felt when I did.

Anyway, I don’t feel like trying to explain how my day went so I’ll leave you to your fate. I should probably remind anyone here that I have all those support links just above here. Times are getting quite harrowing and I haven’t been shilling for myself very hard. Anyway, until next time, remember the Alamo.


Nina, I love that you did that, and laughed at it, but one of those girls is his sister. Save the enthusiasm for the next time you have a quiet conversation with Carol.

It depends on the sister. One of my sisters would be properly scandalized while the other would think it was pretty funny.

my sister in law was drunk one night and I was driving her and my brother home, and she started going full into details on my brother’s cock

surprisingly wasn’t scandalized at all, as the only thought that ended up popping up into my head was “huh, must be genetics”
and then I realized what that implied about our dad and got properly scandalized by that thought

Looks like Jessie isn’t sure how to feel about this, yeah
But Nina just looks so pleased with herself… and Jo is still processing

Heh, heh!
…Aaand a little voice says to Jess + Jo:

“Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, to The Land of Too Much Information.”


Well. Jess did want to know how it went. And i think it was apparent in the story that sexuality of their sibling is more of a taboo for Ed than Jess. So it’s not TMI for her. Jo and evrina on the other hand…

Also the visual gag with nina was spot on. I feel like it’s on point for her. And you did a great job representing it. Down to the cheerful glee when she “got it right”

Scrolling down on my phone I hit the middle panels and thought “Is one finger an accurate representation?”

When I got to the bottom? That was a hoot!

I read some pretty funny naughty webcomics, and that was the funniest in at least a few weeks, lol.
Including a Reddit thread of people linking old Questionable Content pages that were actually funny.

I do love how the ladies got it. Immediately. They may not have wanted that particular information, but man, did they get it.

I know she’s eager to brag, one of them is his sister who, while she is probably happy her bro is finally getting some, does not need the details. :)

I don’t know who is blowing a gasket harder: Evrina or Ed. Or possibly the proprietor of this establishment.

Brooksie and Jess went from “happy for Ed and Nina” to “shocked, headed towards scared” as Nina brags about Ed Lincoln’s “log”

Jessica looks like she’s thinking “I did not – nor do I want to – know how big my brother is.”

They share an apartment, and she’s a lot more cavalier about clothes than dear uptight Ed
I’d be surprised if she hasn’t inadvertently walked in on him at some point

My initial tought was just sister not wanting details of the events. Then I remembered it’s USA and family members don’t go to sauna together and nudity is a bigger deal in general. so I am not so sure which TMI is in effect.

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