2760 Needs More Fingers.

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This visual gag popped into my head as the most childish thing Nina could do and I couldn’t let it go. The fact that she stops and adjusts her hands is so funny to me. Maybe I don’t have the best art skills to sell it, but I had to try. She’s also so fucking pleased with herself for thinking of it, which is exactly how I felt when I did.

Anyway, I don’t feel like trying to explain how my day went so I’ll leave you to your fate. I should probably remind anyone here that I have all those support links just above here. Times are getting quite harrowing and I haven’t been shilling for myself very hard. Anyway, until next time, remember the Alamo.


Nina, I love that you did that, and laughed at it, but one of those girls is his sister. Save the enthusiasm for the next time you have a quiet conversation with Carol.

It depends on the sister. One of my sisters would be properly scandalized while the other would think it was pretty funny.

Heh, heh!
…Aaand a little voice says to Jess + Jo:

“Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, to The Land of Too Much Information.”


Well. Jess did want to know how it went. And i think it was apparent in the story that sexuality of their sibling is more of a taboo for Ed than Jess. So it’s not TMI for her. Jo and evrina on the other hand…

Also the visual gag with nina was spot on. I feel like it’s on point for her. And you did a great job representing it. Down to the cheerful glee when she “got it right”

Scrolling down on my phone I hit the middle panels and thought “Is one finger an accurate representation?”

When I got to the bottom? That was a hoot!

I read some pretty funny naughty webcomics, and that was the funniest in at least a few weeks, lol.
Including a Reddit thread of people linking old Questionable Content pages that were actually funny.

I do love how the ladies got it. Immediately. They may not have wanted that particular information, but man, did they get it.

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