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It was a good time at the fireworks tonight. I got to see them very close up compared to years past. Mom and I acted out of character and did something we don’t usually do, which is try something different. We were right in the middle of festivities and it was pretty neat. It was nice to see so many people celebrating our abundance of freedom and general desire to topple tyrants. Perhaps we can do a little of that soon… He said menacingly.

Anyway, that’s it for me until Monday. I hope you had a nice 4th if you celebrate, or if you don’t. Until next time check out The Tape Library on Youtube.


And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, made clear through the night, that the neighbors don’t care!

Got a new fireworks experience on a friend’s boat. Turning my head in what seemed like three different directions at once as various folks with lake houses has their own displays all over.

Bonus: Not being right under them they didn’t get so loud that I needed to put in my earplugs (great hearing and also neuroatypical). Still plenty loud and close for great shows.

I’ve never seen fireworks on the 4th, but it has been a few years since I’ve gone to see the fireworks on the 1st. living in a bigger city it’s harder to talk myself into making the trip out to them, and there’s not really anyone to drag me out of my recluse

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