2696 Training Day.

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In Splatoon 3 when you have enough rank points to go up a rank it makes you play 3 battles to see if you’re prepared for the next rank up. I’m in S rank, which is the lowest of the top ranks. It’s essentially the average rank. I’ve been as high as S10 in Splatoon 2 but I think I’ve only ever been as high as 5 in 3. Mostly because the way they work is they pair you with 3 teammates of lower skill and you are supposed to carry the team. What happens is I hit my skill limit and I get stuck having to do rank up matches over and over while never succeeding. It strikes me as a metaphor for my life. Perpetually stuck at the very edge of success, struggling to get over that hill and achieving security. I’m sure everyone feels that way on some level, at some time, over the course of their life, but it feels like I am cursed to be almost good enough and stuck in a Sisyphean loop.

At the same time I don’t want to get too successful. For every 1000 enjoyers you get at least 1 psycho who takes you on as an object of scorn who they can fill their empty lives with hatred for. I want to keep it a nice ratio of love to hate. I’m not sure where the sweet spot is. As my medical expenses start to increase as I age I’m often reminded that I haven’t quite reached a place where I can be mostly free of worry. The poor economy certainly isn’t helping anything, along with other disasters that were no fault of my own.

I suppose this is just the human condition. At least until the world wakes up and realizes we already have all the tools to lift up every human in to paradise if we could abandon greed. That’s probably asking too much though. greed might be too hard wired into some of our genetic coding. It will ever be at odds with empathy.

In any case I hope the start of this new week treats you well and hope to see you on Wednesday. Until then, WOOMY!


Your need to determine what is needed to motivate people varies dramatically from job to job. A minimum wage bagger will be harder to motivate compared to a doctor or a soldier.
Likewise some people need more motivation than others. Some dudes don’t want to work / want to do things differently, while others do as instructed immediately and with gusto.
Ironically you have to watch out for those who want to do work too much as they may go too far or do too much.

Other leadership tips
-Train them on their first day. Even if its basic stuff or it only takes a second. Like where the bathrooms are or where the calendar is. You have now made them accustomed to taking orders from you and have shown that you can be trusted.
-Show that you are a hard worker. Try do to work with them and do more of the work. “We need to move these 10 boxes. I will move the 6 on the left and you do the 4 on the right”. They are now accustomed to taking orders, and I have shown that my orders are fair, and that I am looking out for them. So when I walk up to them and say “move these 10 boxes, I can’t help because I am busy” they are used to taking orders and they know I am not trying to screw them over.
-Help them do a task at least once so they know how the level of quality needed. Does a task need a lot of effort and work, or is it a casual thing that requires minimal effort?

It’s worth pointing out that the insufficiently greedy tend to die early.

And the overly greedy cause others to die. What’s your point?

Cause them to die, use them like chess pieces, feed them crickets, say they’ll own nothing and be HAPPY, etc. The WEF makes our old timey villains seem like just practice.

Way back when he was doing the TV thing, Hulk Hogan said that once you have about $5 million (or was it $3 million?), more money is just “keeping score.” So now we have a goal.

Millionaires really need to learn to adopt a cutoff limit to their amount of gains. But, until “Greed is Good” is officially disowned by the American lexicon and the mindset, this problem will only continue regardless of who we vote into office.

Unfortunately, most people who put in the effort to become millionaires are of the “needing to keep score” variety.

I’ll agree with him on that. And while this seems very obvious, many leaders just don’t get it. So far I have only encountered a single supervisor who understood and as a direct result he was given the cold shoulder by other supervisors. They would intentionally leave him out of meetings, e-mails and important details. Eventually he quit and when he did five people quit with him.

It’s all too common. Supervisors want people to be like drones who are capable of working by the standards set for them without question in exchange for a paycheck and are willing to power trip and micromanage in the name of “discipline” and “character building” without taking into account the long-term damage of such actions. It’s a workplace cultural mindset that is long overdue for a change.

When I was 16 I remember arguing with my mother about how to get someone to do something. She was stuck in a loop of “You can’t force people.” I remember very suddenly saying, “No, people are simple, they want things. If you find out what they want, you can set them up to do what you want.”

I have no idea where I got that from. It just kind of happened upon me. Once I knew that, it’s worked for the rest of my life. Sometimes people want more than one thing, or people have been convinced that the way to that one thing is at odds with the way it could actually be done. That’s where the complication comes from.

Sorry for the long post, I just saw my self reflected in Thomas suddenly and needed to say something.

“For every 1000 enjoyers you get at least 1 psycho who takes you on as an object of scorn who they can fill their empty lives with hatred for.”

So much this. I’m a troll at heart, I like pushing buttons, but because of the above I refrain from doing so unless someone else starts acting like an ass first. I’ve got better things in my life than being an asshole for its own sake, but if someone willingly tries to pick a fight, I’m more than happy to enjoy it. People who initiate fights like that inspire pity more than anything else, because if they’re spending precious time trying to goad reactions it means that they literally can’t think of anything better to fill that time with, and that’s pathetic. I’d know, I was like that once.

That reminds me:

The US Navy, and the rest of the US Military, have a rule called: “The 2% a**hole rule”.

“The 2% a**hole rule”, means- when dealing with any group of people, there will be 2% of them who act like a**holes, so you have to find ways of, in my words- dealing with them, or snuffing-out their ability to cause problems.

Your “1000 enjoyers…”-rule reminded me of, the 2% rule.

Cheers. :D

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