258 Shut Up, Richard.
The title is a Tommy Boy reference. Some of you will know this already. For this, I salute you.
I somehow lost my copy of Tommy Boy on DVD, and have never bothered to replace it. It’s almost half as valuable now as it was then, but I have less than half as much money to throw around as I did then. Forward does not seem to be the direction my life is moving in. Then again, maybe it is, and I just can’t tell.
oddly… and i am not sure this is a good thing, but, richard reminds me quite of myself- down to the loser collective and idiotic revealing of wisdom… spooky
i am KingOfiDunno, yet am the one that seems to hold the most bullshittingly right answers
Generally, it gets worse before it gets better, amigo. That’s life. Progress hoits.
If it’s scientific, it goes “Boink”.
Careful with that. You’ll either have a cloning machine, transmogrification machine, or time machine.
All of which would be awesome! Though the cloning machine is somewhat problematic…unless you find the right people to clone.
Brooksie would be good to clone…
Nope. One sentence: The Law of conservation of Ninjutsu.
too many ninjas reveal the village.