2671 Big Iron.

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Well, here we are. The point after everyone learns that Ed has a big penis. Brave, new, world and all that. This is one of those scenes that will play better once the entire interaction can be read in a sitting. They’ll have a nice chat about these findings and it won’t stop on a weird pseudo cliffhanger every other day.

Anyway, I better just stop talking because I’m in a cantankerous mood and I keep almost typing things that might make people angry. I don’t have any webcomic friends left. I know people who make them that I am friendly with, but we are not “talk about the craft” friends. All of those people who used to be part of my life are gone now. I always end up in these places in life where I’m the only one doing a thing at my particular level, in my particular way, and there’s no one to talk to about it. I don’t fit in with the type of people who do the things I do and it isolates me.

Nothing can be done about that though, so let’s move on. I hope to see you on Monday for more tales of whatever the fuck this all is. Support links above, as always. Have a nice weekend.


I guess he wasn’t kidding about her thinking he had three legs during their jog. (/comics1/1400-leggy)

I went a few pages ahead to see if Nina spotted the third leg, because I didn’t remember that, and ended on a series of guest comics.

Among them, this one where I instantly recognized the drawing style : /comics1/bfpg005-stonecutters

I thought “man, it’s been a while since I’ve read some Ginger’s Bread comics, let’s check how it is doing”, only to be greeted by a very disappointing WordPress message telling me about a future website coming on that domain.

It lines right up with the blogpost where Jackie says they don’t have anymore webcomic friends.

I noticed over the years that a bunch of webcomics I was reading were going on forever hiatuses, but it always makes extra sad when I think about them later and discover that the archives are gone.

In Nina’s Mind “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” must be playing.

That song annoys me. Not the song itself, it’s a bop, but the tale behind it. It was supposedly a challenge to write a song about some random thing, ‘Save a horse, ride a cowboy’ was chosen. And while the song certainly uses the line, it’s not ABOUT it. If you replace the line with ‘Come along, and join the party!’ the meaning of the song isn’t changed.

did he compare his package to the average size in porn? oh my god ahahah

Apparently Ed never had to shower with other boys after P.E. class or anything like that? Because even if he was too embarrassed to look, at least one of the other boys would have made a big deal about it.

“ I always end up in these places in life where I’m the only one doing a thing at my particular level, in my particular way, and there’s no one to talk to about it. I don’t fit in with the type of people who do the things I do and it isolates me.”

Oh I know that feeling SO well.

“I always end up in these places in life where I’m the only one doing a thing at my particular level, in my particular way, and there’s no one to talk to about it. I don’t fit in with the type of people who do the things I do and it isolates me.”

Bro, this is so much a problem for me!

Can I just say that I am SO happy to see these two getting together at last. They are honestly just perfect for each other.

Go get her, Ed. :)

May I suggest Nina singing “Oh Sweet Mystery of Life” in reference to Mel Brooks’s _Young Frankenstein_. Brooksie would get it immediately, and the results could be delightfully awkward.

This transcript is exactly what my brain keeps converting this scene into.

KRILLIN: I’m surprised you knew I’d be here.

ANDROID 18: Seemed like the obvious pick.

(cuts over to an outside shot of Kame House with a car outside)

KRILLIN: True! So, um. What can I do you for?

ANDROID 18: I made a promise to myself, and I’m here to keep it.

KRILLIN: Wanna see a movie? Or…

ANDROID 18: Dude, drop your pants.

KRILLIN: Oh, oh! O-okay, but, um, j-j-just a heads up. I’m a grower… (drops his pants, which is followed by an audible meaty thud)

ANDROID 18: Oh… my… God!


ANDROID 18: Get on the bed.

KRILLIN: Yes, ma’am!!

It’s funny, because if I were reading this interaction a few years ago, I would’ve thought it was possible for fiction but maybe not strictly plausible for reality. But having been in Ed’s position and having a very similar conversation (with the 2nd person I ever had relations with), I guess there’s more reality to it than I would’ve initially given it credit.

Size ratings: 1- Small 2- Medium 3- Large 4- Porn 5- Ridiculous Huge

Most men are somewhere between 2 and 3. The above statements put Ed at 4.5.

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