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The comic says pretty much everything. I’m dealing with an abnormal level of life events & can’t keep up with it all. At the moment I’m running on about an hour of real bad sleep. That said, I think I can get the actual page up on Monday at some time. It quite literally pains me to have failed you in this way. I know it’s the kind of thing that people say to gain sympathy, but in this case it is the god’s honest truth. I take this comic more seriously than I probably should, but it’s the only thing I have in the world that I made myself, & that’s important to me. Hopefully I’ll get through all of this with limited losses & come out the other side wiser for the experience. At the end of the day though I’m not Superman. Sometimes, even if those times come decades apart, I’m going to fail. But I won’t fail to mention Patreon & subscribestar, because I’m number one at sales tactics. In this room at least.

I actually threw the comic together because most people won’t read the blog otherwise. This will probably be one of the only times where almost everyone will at least take a look to see what’s going on. So, hey, people who’ve never seen me talking down here. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my work enough to care about what’s going on. I appreciate it.

Anyway, I’m not sure how to tackle the next few hours. I’m drinking gallons of cope juice and making my way as best I can. See you on the other side.


Let me possibly be the first to say that missing a single update every now and again is not going to drive me, or the majority of your readers and fans away. Sometimes, shit piles on, and you have to take a day for yourself. Communicating it in a way that people will see, like the above comic, is the right way to go about things. It keeps us in the loop and we know what to expect. You’ve earned a reprieve, so do what you need to do. We can wait in the meantime.

If anything, impressed you got the page out. Get well soon, may things tide over, may it be resolved swiftly and well.

Don’t worry about it. Life happens, and we only wish you the best. If you want to cut down to 1 to 2 updates a week for a bit, we’ll understand. We don’t want you to feel any burnout or suffer any bad health.

Hope everything works out well and wish you the best. I look forward to the next update, whenever it comes out and with no sense of urgency.

Best wishes in your difficult time. As a fan, and just as a person, I hope things will get much better for you soon.

Hi Jackie,
This is likely (too much information] for you, + everyone, but…right now I’m going to try to do some TMI. I hope that my TMI will be supportive.
You need to take some time off for a few days- that’s totally understandable.

I think a lot of people are going thru similar stuff.
Such as- me, this week, I’ve found- some crap-awful/bad weather, two deaths in the family that were too close together for my comfort, my Dad needing a boatload of emotional support from his friends…for some emotional issues he has right now, + my helping my Dad set up a town’s meeting room…which was work that I did too quickly…which made me “woof my wheaties”, later on that day. Ugh.
(So, that’s what I’ve been up to, lately.) I meant no irony in that last sentence.
Regardless,…I think lots people have been going through some rough things, recently- and these people can understand why you need some time off, at this point in time.

Regardless- Thank you very much, for the cool comic.
We all very much like reading your amazingly made webcomic. You do an excellent job. TRA.

Dude,good luck. Life comes first

As a long time lurker, just wanted to say take your time and sort things out. Your comic has become one of my long time favorites because of the realness of the stories and the believable, complex characters and their relationships to one another.

I know heaeing someone else say not to worry about something is rarely that easy, but I don’t feel an apology is needed, nor are you failing anyone of us readers.
Hope you can sort your stuff out, and even though it’s been said by others before – take care of yourself!

And sorry NICK,
didn’t mean to post this as a reply to your comment, but seeing as I’m sort of echoing your sentiment it’s not completely in the wrong place :)

Rest. Be well. Take care of your IRL problems. If you need to go silent for a bit, do it. You can’t help anyone, least of all yourself, if your burn yourself out beyond repair. We’ll be here when you get back. Wish I had more to give then well wishes but you have them just the same.

All of the above. I appreciate what you’re doing, all the way down to including details like the box Thomas is carrying in panel 2, in a ‘non-detailed’ comic.

I see you and Thomas both have an appreciation for Monty Python as well.

In seriousness, hang in there. We’re with you all the way!

I agree with everything that’s being said in this comment section. Take care of yourself and whatever life is throwing at you first and foremost. That is more important right now than us getting a comic page to read.

Sucks to hear that things suck. Between Failures has given me a lot of joy these past few years, and if you need to take a hiatus/cut down on updates/give up on the comic entirely, I understand. Ultimately you being okay is a lot more important than a few minutes of my entertainment, and you definitely should put yourself first. Thank you for making such a great comic, and I hope you feel better.

Please take care of yourself! I’d rather have you making comics for the next 10-20 years than have you never miss until you burn out. You’re in my RSS feed so you could go away for as long as you need and I’d still see when you started again.

Also, I’ve just now increased my Patreon contribution, 1) in case whatever-it-is could use money; 2) I hope that encourages you to take breaks when you need them.

Take care of yourself <3 After all, you can't make a webcomic burned out in a hospital somewhere either. Be well <3

I think every artist whose strips I follow online is having to take personal days for personal reasons – life isn’t great for anyone right now (not even Bezos; suing your largest potential client while playing catch-up a long walk behind your biggest competitor isn’t really a success story)

Look after yourself and your family first – if your self-imposed strip schedule slips a bit, its not a big deal. It’s ready when it’s ready :D

Thank you for the comic all these years and I’m looking forward to not just more of it, but also your future prosperity.

Holy crap. I’ve followed this comic (and the commentary blog) long enough that seeing this was kind of a shock, because I know Jackie just doesn’t… Do This. So, I know whatever it is must be serious. Hoping that you are okay and that everything pulls through alright in the end.

That said, I agree with everyone else who is saying, it’s alright to take a day off sometimes. At any desk job, you get a couple of days a year where you can at least call in and say “I’m not feeling well enough to do this today.” It shouldn’t be different for self-employed creators. Take a ‘personal day’ (or a few, if needed!), and I’m sure no one will hold it against you.

Jackie, you’ve done this for so long, and I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen an interlude page like this since I became a reader (and I’ve been reading since before the comic was in color!) If anything, you deserve a break, bud. Do whatever you need to do for self care, and take it easy. We’ll be here when you get back.

Life happens my dude. I hope everything cools down for you soon. After the last year or so, I think we’re all pretty well acquainted with unusual levels of life stress.

Dude, do your thing. We all get it. no worries. I ve kept yer Patreon through all this. I love this band of misfits and the last story line was just ace. Take a break. Let me know if you need filler Comics

Told you your community would support a break. You should take the week to catch a breath and get done what you need to get done.

Wish you the best.

No worries at all, Jackie. These are complicated times as they are, and having other life events throw curve balls at you only compounds the shit show.

As much as I (and presumably us as a whole) would like to see you back on your feet, we would like to see you look after yourself and life issues first. Take care in the meantime.

You have entertained me for years, and as you say life is a bit difficult these days. Take as long as you need to get the important things in your life settled, then come back to providing me with free comics. Thank you for making me laugh.

Take care of yourself, fam. We can wait for updates. Take the time to do yourself proud, cause that’s what matters.

Everyone had said everything I could possibly say, so take care man and we’ll be waiting on the other side. Hanging there…

Take care of yourself first. That’s the priority. Whatever happens to the comic is secondary (and I’m a patron).

Who had “Thomas” in the “creator’s self-insert” pool? Collect your prize at the gate.

I was thinking more along the lines of John or Mike.

The only bad part about this is that your streak is broken. It really WAS an amazing streak.

I’d be happy to ignore the break just so we can SAY the streak continued, but then we’d all know we were lying. You perhaps most of all.

So go, and deal with whatever it is you’re dealing with. We’ll be here, and we’ll be waiting.

Yes, but even at that, it was coloured, but not broken. We have a non-canon 4th wall comic, which is not nothing.

Go Jackie Go, because you are awesome! And remember, Jackie et al. You are loved, and deserve to feel loved, just for being you.

Honestly, I’m surprised it took this long for Thomas to break the fourth wall. Take care of yourself, Jackie. We’ll be here when you’re back on your feet with everything.

My guy. Please. Take a hiatus. You desperately need and deserve one. We’ll still be here when you get back. Take care of yourself and your real life business.

Hey man, don’t worry about it. Take care of yourself first. We aren’t that important. You need to take care of you. Make yourself a priority. We’ll be around.
Treat yo’self and what not.

Geez, man, take the time off, as much as you need. Your real world issues take priority to imaginary characters (as much as we do love them, and trust me, we do love them). Take care of yourself and we will still be here when you get back, whenever that might be.

I’m seeing a lot of support here. I approve. However, we’ve missed a key point here:
Heh. He said Wankel Rotary Engine.

As a daily reader and fan of your comic and the story I say:
You do you. Take care of the important things in your personal life first. We will be here for the triumphant return of normality to yours and our lives (or at least adjustment to the new normal, whatever that means). I know that I do not speak just for myself when I say:
Thank you so much for the years of hard work on this story. Your characters and storyline are brilliant and inspired. We look forward to a resumption of scheduled posting, but only after you have worked it all out.

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