429 One Of A Kind.

It’s my birthday Friday.  Usually I don’t make a fuss about it, but I’m thinking that’s bullshit.  I’m an event worthy of celebration and adulation.  Of course, the reality of the situation is that I won’t do anything special.  I’ll spend my birthday drawing comics, alone, in the comics bunker.  This being so, I invite you to celebrate on my behalf.  Celebrate the awesome that is me, all week long. Keep it classy though, keep it classy.

If you want to hear my spectacular voice click the link.  It’s an old radio promo for a theatre.  I forgot it was online till the other night.  I’m the guy with the can of air.  The other dude is screen legend Justin Parlette.


hahaha i just read through this comic and now i have to say it is one of my favorites ever it pains me to say that i found one of the funniest webcomics i have ever read because i clicked on a picture of carol without a shirt on (which i have to point out i have yet to see)but seriously this is one of the best comics i have ever read

And a very merry UN-Birthday to you good sir! I’ll have a slice of cake in your honor on Friday.

BTW which of the voices is yours? I’m think you’re the guy spraying canned air in to his mouth. Very funny by the way.

hahaha, sounds like the shit i used to get up to with my bro and post on Wtalk.com.
So why don’t you celebrate your birthday tomorrow? it’s St Patricks day after all, you can absorb the glory from the saint of Ireland and smear it over your more worthy ass.

Reggie has learned. Respect the puddy tat. The puddy tat has claws, the puddy tat can smell fear, it can also, however, be lulled into submission through the proper stroking and pampering.

TMI Waldo. TMI.

Happy birthday but I don’t think I could possibly celebrate any more for a few days. I’m all birthdayed out.

I hope your birthday is more eventful than you believe it will be. Anyway I would like to point out that you have omitted one important detail…how old are you going to be?

Carol must be a fan of the michael westin burn notice tactic of enforcement, since it has been proven a copy of cat fancier can be a formidable weapon.

I like the nickname Carol gives him: Pyro. No doubt more allusion to the famed flaming display debacle, which will go down into history like the infamous noodle incident.

“Bend to my will” …. So his real attitude is finally beginning to manifest into blatant expressions of demand… This guy is probably the one and only major antagonist I can believe and yet also hate with such fury, and with the force of a thousand suns….

Heard of this happening after karate, and equivalent, matches where one guy hit the other so hard it addled their brian, Nina probably read about how to do it with a slap. Would explain the severe blood loss too….

Heard of this happening after karate, and equivalent, matches where one guy hit the other so hard it addled their brains, Nina probably read about how to do it with a slap. Would explain the severe blood loss too….

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