2785 She Said, She Said.
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I don’t know if anyone will pick up on this, but Jess takes off her glasses for no actual reason. She removes them and puts them right back on, without cleaning them or anything, because she doesn’t have anything to do with her hands. It might seem like she’s doing it for dramatic effect, but she’s not even looking at Evrina when she does it. She doesn’t look back at her until she puts them back on. In my mind she’s fidgeting to keep herself from becoming too emotional to get her point across. What amused me when I drew it all is that it gave me the same feeling you get when you see an actual person who wears glasses without them. That instinctual feeling of “something isn’t right here”. I don’t often forget to draw her glasses, or Ed’s, so it’s still a novelty when I do and my brain reacts as if these lines I’ve made up are a real person who I know.
Anyway, I guess I’ll leave it at that. I’m a little tired from having my blood drawn off this morning. I was riding the line of actually needing to have it done, but got the phlebotomy because my levels were just barely over it. I kept things pretty close to where they were supposed to me for 2 weeks though, so it’s progress.
I hope you have a nice weekend. I’m going to try and get another section of my stuff sorted. On Monday I’ll have another page for you to look at if you still want to. Hopefully I’ll see you then.
business and blocking
I’ve been with you for (at least) 2785 pages so far. Of course I’m coming back Monday…. and Wednesday…. and Friday. For years to come (I hope.)
Small typo last bit, what you tell TO yourself seems like what you meant to say
No, ‘tell’ doesn’t need ‘to’ in the same way that ‘say’ does. ‘Tell’ already implies that you are speaking to a particular person or people. ‘What you tell yourself’ is perfectly idiomatic.
Some people have a tendency to “speak” with their hands. It’s akin to a person holding a pen and clicking it or twirling it, it serves no purpose but it’s something that can help a person focus in an odd way when a serious conversation is happening because they DON’T want to say something stupid or make a serious situation in to more of a fight than it might be. So Jess taking off her glasses, just to put them on again soon after might even be a subtle way of her trying to make sure she focuses or refocuses on the topic at hand, like a scientist or doctor shifting a microscope lens.
it’s actually become such a prominent thing, with fields in the realm of psychology picking up on it, that it’s actually been given a word now: stimming (shortened from stimulating)
there’s an overlap with adhd (which kinda makes sense), but sometimes shows outside of it, and sometimes doesn’t show with it. they have absolutely determined that it’s a refocusing thing, so I’m glad you said that~
It can also be cultural, and has long been considered a part of the study of languages.
To be fair to Evrina, Ramon is kind of a himbo lol
It’s probably just me, but when I see a person who normally wears glasses without them, they seem to look a little fuzzy somehow. I don’t know how or why.
If they look fuzzy without glasses…. you might be the one that needs them.
Well, presumably their eyes and the area around them would be sharper if you look at them while they are wearing prescription glasses.
All of a sudden, I have sudden urge to watch “They Live”.
I’m a little confused. Didn’t Evrina leave town for a while? She mentioned something about moving back in town, right? That’s why Jess hadn’t seen her in some time? Jess was surprised to see her again when they first went to the coffee shop (which is becoming more of a cafe with all the food, which is cool).
I may be misremembering, forgive me. Not trying to be an arse or anything
You haven’t really stated what specifically confused you.
Oh, sorry. Did Evrina move out of town at all? I remember her saying she did, and this comic makes it sound like she was dating Jess up until she started the coffee place with Ramon. So she would have been in town the whole time for that to make sense.
I could also be stupid. I’m so very tired, sorry..
They both went to college for a while in Lawrence, Kansas, where they met. This would have taken place before the events of the comic. Evrina is from Marbleton, she returned with Ramon to help him. The reasons will be revealed over time. Jess is not from Marbleton, which Ed has stated at various points. She didn’t know Evrina had moved to her current location which is why she was surprised to see her. At the point they broke up the location of the coffee shop wasn’t decided on.
This might help, (I clicked random and it took me directly there) /comics1/2001-everyone-is-gay
My very non-canonical take is that Ramon is a former Cartel assassin/sicario who found God and saved Evrina when she for reasons of having a bad personality was hooking south of the border. Since then they are more or less meant for each other.
Maybe it’s like how Batman takes off his mask (not necessarily his whole outfit) for Bruce Wayne Mode.
Holy cow. I’ve been dealing with a bunch of stuff and didn’t realize how long it’s been since I checked in! I’m caught back up, now, and thankful that the comic is still here, even when I forget to be. Great work as always, Jackie.
I has been quite some time since you’ve commented. I saw you looking very healthy on Twitter though so I figured you were okay. Nice to see you back here.
back when I was wearing watches, I’d do the same thing all the time. unstrap it for no reason but to strap it back on
honestly learning that these subset of behaviors are somewhat common and that they serve a role in mental processing has been such a boon to my ability to do most anything
It makes her look more vulnerable. Is that the point?