2743 Ursine Of Theseus.

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Sometimes it seems overly indulgent to dedicate an entire page to a character being very much themselves, and yet, what is this comic other than watching somewhat odd people be odd? Perhaps thinking about it too much isn’t required. What’s good is I have paired an extremely smart character with a much dimmer one and that is fun.

Well, rather than write a long winded essay about what I’ve been thinking about recently, I think I’ll just leave you to your weekend. I hope to see you safe on Monday. Until then, replace only the parts you must.


Ship of Theseus

If it is valued enough, a piece of the thing becomes the thing. A Ferrari race car was badly wrecked in the 1950’s. Being a worn and now wrecked car, parts were harvested and the rest was pushed into a hole. Fast forward however many decades and old Ferraris are fabulously valuable. One party had the serial number plate and some original parts and another party went out and dug the remains out of the hole where it was buried. Both parties used what they had to recreate a car that was “original”. So now you have two versions of the same individual car. Which is the real one?
This also puts me in mind of art restorations. I’ve seen videos of restorations of paintings where with nothing more than a cleaning of the grime off the surface of a painting, it is significantly brightened and changed. It is closer to its original form now but the old grimy version is the one that was loved and admired. Sometimes it seems it is the wear and tear that gives a thing its character.

I think that in Japanese or Chinese culture (or both?), ancient stuff is maintained by repair and replacement of materials as needed, but still is considered ancient.

Just a difference in philosophy.

And then there’s Kintsugi, the repair of broken ceramics using (essentially) gold or other precious metals.

“This, milord, is my family’s axe. We have owned it for almost nine hundred years, see. Of course, sometimes it needed a new blade. And sometimes it has required a new handle, new designs on the metalwork, a little refreshing of the ornamentation . . . but is this not the nine hundred-year-old axe of my family? And because it has changed gently over time, it is still a pretty good axe, y’know. Pretty good.”

sir PTerry, the Fifth Elephant.

Yeah, the old Ship of Theseus philosophy. I’m of the opinion that when the last piece of the ship gets replaced, then it’s no longer the original ship. If at least one piece remains, then it’s still the original ship.

That first panel, kinda scared me.

Well, I had been reading the horror-themed webcomic, Tales of the Unusual 2 by Seongdae Oh, before I got here.
[That’s] probably what did it.

I love the whole page, but it’s that second panel what gets me. (I could even see that on a T-shirt, without words. Can you see my vision? Anybody who wants to gawp at my boobs is confronted with that focus back onto them? The T-shirt with words could also work, tbh.)

Jackie is really good at presenting ‘slice of life’ including that slice of the inner life.

Odd people being odd. Well said. Went to Cottonwood Faire in Amarillo, and saw a lot of odd people being odd. Even ran into some family unexpectedly. Didn’t really participate in much, but had a nice time with all the other “odd” people.

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