2741 She is.
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My week started out a little rough. Perhaps it will even out by Wednesday. Let’s meet up then and see who all survived. Until then, don’t drink the Kool-Aide.
But that’s all I have to drink.
Ed: Nina, NO!
Nina: NINA, YES!
The problem in this comic is a real problem I’m familiar with.
Hope to check in Wednesday!
They’re not gonna make it out the door! XD
Well, they say that if you eat a frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. I was never inclined to try and prove them wrong, though.
Divine ate a real dog turd in one of their early movies. Even if you ate a frog in the morning, I think eating a dog turd would be worse.
That last panel is perfect.
One time in my life, many decades ago, I had a similar conversation with a red head. I am honestly very hazy on it, but I don’t think we made it out the door.
Nina please, you’re going to drain the man like a capri sun at this rate
Lol Ed is going to need every trick in the kama sutra with her, and a truckful of fruit to keep up.
fluids like electrolytes and lubricant
Man’s going to need an IV drip at this rate