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I wonder what it’s like speaking to a woman who actually knows about things like LOTR or Dune. Like, really knows it in the ridiculously obsessive way that I do. I’ve seen such creatures online, but never in real life. I’ve encountered ones who came close, but no one who knew why it was so significant that Galadriel gave Gimli 3 strands of hair, or how the movies altered his character into comedy relief when he’s actually an example of chivalric virtue. Not that a woman needs to be interested in the same things I am to be interesting. It would just be a fun experience, I think. It’s actually interesting when a woman is obsessed with things I don’t already know about because I like hearing about things I’m unfamiliar being described with the zeal of a true fanatic. Anyway, I suppose there’s no point in worrying about it either way.

Right now a lot of people are migrating over to Bluesky because of more changes on Twitter. I don’t think it’s really going to help anything because eventually Bluesky will exploit users too, if it isn’t already. My guess is it has been from day one. If I had the resources I’d make a platform for artists made by an artist so we could have a site actually concerned with what we want and need. No site does exactly that as far as I know and I’ve tried many, many sites. Without a centralized hub for specific things audience dilution is so bad it becomes extremely hard to connect with them in a way that’s beneficial to both parties. The ruin of the internet has certainly reduced an artist’s ability to monetize their work. Well, not just artists. It’s affected everyone who did business online and there’s no one to help the people wrestle control away from the greedy ghouls who desire all the money and power for their unholy cabals… Something in me says I should be able to do something about it. I suppose it’s probably just me turning toward another manic episode and I’m still just a tiny fish struggling in the ocean.

Well, I guess there’s no point in musing about these things when I have things to do and am already late posting the new page. I hope death passes by without noticing you this weekend, and we can meet again on Monday. If we are all so lucky I will have another page ready for you. Until then remember, if death spots you, tell him “Not today.”


Oh, are we talking about Gimli’s character assassination, and how they turned my boy into a clown for no good reason? When Gimli’s speech to Galadriel is one of the most beautiful pieces of writing in the legendarium?

I like the movies, but they really did Gimli and Denethor dirty.

I understand the reasons, but many of the character changes really undercut the point of the characters and the important themes the represented. Denethor wrestled with Sauron for a long time before giving in to despair. That’s an extreme show of his force of will. It’s hard to convey that without the time afforded by text though.

It’s true that the full complexity of Denerhor’s character would be hard to convey cinmatically – but I don’t think that justifies turning him into a pure madman who won’t even send for the Rohirrim.
And that is my general beef with the movies. Visually they are absolutely stunning and for the most part right (Legolas should not have been blond, though), but far too many of the story changes are very questionable and much too often slanted towards the usual clichees.
My favourite (that is, most hated) example is the Dead Men of Dunharrow.
Tolkien: Tormented souls that have waited milennia for a chance to redeem themselves for having broken their oath to Isildur
The movies: Common or garden variety horror movie ghouls who only follow Aragorn because his ancestry compels them to (and they are mighty sorry about that)

I don’t know how else they could have really done things. I mean, in the books, if I recall, we don’t even “see” the events with the Dead Men in real time–we are just told about it later. That would absolutely not work in a film, it’d be laughed at. Gimli was made a bit of a comic relief because some relief was needed in many of the scenes where it would otherwise be too serious and oppressive to the viewing audience. It doesn’t make much sense that the Witch King is wounded by whatever random sword Aragorn gave Pippin, instead of one from the Wight’s Barrow, but there was no time to include that entire section of the story. Don’t get me wrong, I totally would have watched a 22-hour-long trilogy adaptation, but for the theatrical release, we got 10, and I understand the changes that had to be made for the medium. Not to say the films are beyond criticism, but alot of the objections one can make were inevitable, or instances where the movies would have been worse for trying to stick to the books too closely.

Hollywood will NEVER understand the complexities of J.R.R. Tolkien. His works are too deep for any meaningful adaptation in my view. It didn’t work for Bakshi, and it sure as hell didn’t work for Jackson either, although the latter, in my view, should at least be given due enough credit for propelling Tolkien into the mainstream.

I know this sounds hipster, but I find it adamant that the only way to truly appreciate Tolkien and the world of Middle-Earth are through the original books and lore writings penned by the professor himself. The original Lord of the Rings novels are very complex reads but do give one a sense of sheer satisfaction upon completion.

You’d love to speak to my wife. She was the one to introduce me to Dune universe… by showing me the Lynch movie without sound, narrating everything herself. It was glorious.

We routinely trade trivia and memes about Legendarium, Discworld and pre-Disney Star Wars. As soon as our sons are old enough, we are going to have SO MUCH FUN explaining to them what the fuck mom and dad were talking about all these years.

Just beware, she hates Harry Potter.

Same Anon as before.

I should also mention that our firs date was a marathon of first Doctor Who season starring David Tennant.

Speaking to other people’s interesting wives is a bit disappointing, but I suppose it’s as good as I’m likely to get.

I wanted to give you hope that such women exist and maybe you’ll find your soulmate out there. Clearly, I have failed.

As a consolation allow me to share with our all time favourite Tolkien meme:

– They call me Strider, bum my real name is Aragorn.
– They call me Gandalf, but my real name is Olorin.
– They call me Pippin, but my real name is Peregin.
– They call me Celeborn and I hate this game.

The first season of the new era of Doctor Who started with Christopher Eccleston. David Tennant came in the second season.

Speaking here as a writer who has been making a living with news jobs for the last 15 years…yes, it has never been what you’d call easy to realize profit from your work.

And of course, AI will shake things up even more. Can we use it to our advantage for once? Maybe. Some are dead set against it, but how much of that is Ludd and his sabots back for more?

AI is happening whether we like it or not. All we can do is try to make good use of it, and learn how to spot it (or verify it) before we start believing images of politicians eating puppies or whatever they churn out. I honestly see alot of potential with it, IF people understand it’s limitations when using it.

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