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Our dog Sister died on Saturday afternoon. She came to us with the Teen, who was technically her owner. I honestly am not sure how long she was with us. Over ten years maybe. She always made her presence known in any situation. Whatever you were doing she wanted to check it out. Especially if there was even the slightest chance food would be involved. She was extremely active and interested in things in general and always wanted to be with whoever was around. That said she was also independent and perfectly happy to pursue her own agenda, such as escaping the fence and running as far as she could go until someone went to get her. In fact, she ran all the way to the neighbor’s yard a couple of weeks before she passed. She wasn’t as fast as when she was young, but she could still outrun any of us even with her wonky leg. I didn’t let myself think about it so I could get through the process of burying her. She’s next to Dorothy now in the yard, literally. It felt like I put a whole chapter of my life in the ground with her. She was like my grandmother in a way, in that she was the representative dog of this last decade and change. The one who lasted the longest and saw the most. If the size of the hole I placed her in was the size of the hole she’s leaving in our hearts it would hold the entire homestead and then some. Living an entire day without hearing her bark even once seemed indescribably incorrect. I’m so sad I keep pushing it down into the corner of my mind because when I think about it I grit my teeth so hard it hurts my jaw. I’m going to miss that little rascal so much.

Anyway, the support links are where they always are. I’ll be back on Wednesday, I hope you’ll come visit. Until then, see you space cowboy.


Sorry man. Only time I’ve really cried the last decade or so has been when each of my two cats died. It’s always hard. But sounds like you gave the dog a good life, which is the best thing any of us can do for a pet, so just remember that you’re a good person who did his best.

that’s the curse we cast upon ourselves whenever we get a pet (one way or another), and we do it willingly because the heart ache that awaits us in the end is all worth it, always.

in unrelated notes, typo alert on the last bubble in panel 2

Ah dude, I’m so sorry to hear that. We lost our boy in 2019, and his sister followed in 2020 and I’m still heartbroken over it. Their successors are wonderful and their presence helps, but it’s so hard to push the hurt down and keep it there. Best thing I can recommend anytime you get sad is to try and talk about the good times, tell stories about things they did; it won’t bring them back, but it’ll make you smile and hurt less while you’re sharing.

So sorry to hear about your loss. Hope the crossing of the Rainbow Bridge went smoothly. Best wishes.

I’m dearly sorry to hear about Sister, and you have all of my condolences. She sounds wonderful, like one of the best. I’ll add her to my prayers tonight.

One of mine, Roxie, is getting long in the tooth. She doesn’t move around like she used to, and she’s spending a lot more time laying down. But I’ll hold on to her as long as I can. When she passes I dread what I’ll be like. But I know she’s one of the last. I’m too old to get another dog.

Sorry I missed this post. My grandfather passed away. Seems that it’s a painful date on the calendar all around. I know some people would say a grandparent mattered more than a dog, but I’ve met grandparents worth far less than most dogs and dogs worth far more than most grandparents. Is suppose that makes it a wash, in that it all sucks.

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