2704 Why You Do This?
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I’m trying to find something so I’ll keep things short. Gonna try and fix my old SNES SimCity cartridge. If I can find my tools…
Anyway, stay frosty out there, come see me again on Monday. Until then, via con Dios.
SimCity 2000 on ps1 took so many hours from me when I was am early teen, great fun though.
SimCity 2000 (on the PC for me) was the first full-sized video game that I’ve ever played that wasn’t a “kids’ game” and I have a lot of fond memories of it.
Original Sim City was the only one I could enjoy; later ones just became massive time sinks. Granted, I mostly ended my games by failing and then having Bowser destroy the city, but still…
It’s been eons since I worked any retail. I don’t miss it. And this was for a sizeable chain.
I can only imagine it’s gotten worse and this (depiction of Megatainment corporate) reflects it well.
Was that a Reboot reference? Fine I’ll go rewatch it again!
Thomas is the “Yoda” of retail stores.
*doing a Yoda immitation*:
Question my methods, you must not!
Thomas just letting you know why he would not be a good manager.