SimCity 2000 on ps1 took so many hours from me when I was am early teen, great fun though.

SimCity 2000 (on the PC for me) was the first full-sized video game that I’ve ever played that wasn’t a “kids’ game” and I have a lot of fond memories of it.

Original Sim City was the only one I could enjoy; later ones just became massive time sinks. Granted, I mostly ended my games by failing and then having Bowser destroy the city, but still…

It’s been eons since I worked any retail. I don’t miss it. And this was for a sizeable chain.

I can only imagine it’s gotten worse and this (depiction of Megatainment corporate) reflects it well.

Thomas is the “Yoda” of retail stores.

*doing a Yoda immitation*:
Question my methods, you must not!

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