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Now that the room that used to be my office is free again I have several of my old game systems set back up. The problem is that over the 12 or so years of that room being occupied in one way or another various parts of them have deteriorated. My PS3 has one sort of working controller now. I pieced it together from three other ones that just won’t work outright. The damn thing is designed terribly. You have to have a working battery in one for it to work. Plugging it in doesn’t work except to charge the battery. It should work if you plug it in regardless. Getting batteries for them isn’t impossible, but they are of questionable quality. Still I was able to get it working enough to get by until I can do something about that situation. Basically all the rechargeable batteries in everything except the Nintendo stuff have failed. Even the ones I made an effort to charge from time to time. I do have a shitty wired controller for the XBOX 360 though so that’s something. Also I’m pretty sure its cable has the pass through charging so it can just be wired and still work. The problem with the 360 is that the fan has never worked right. Since the system is functionally just a Windows computer I should be able to replace the fan with a better one. The problem is that youtube is such a shithole now that I can’t find anyone who knows what can or can’t be done. the results are choked by algorithmic garbage. I’m certain that I should be able to buy a replacement fan that works properly, or something. I just need some guidance. My Wii and WiiU are both fine. I fixed the WiiU gamepad when I broke it easily a long time ago and the battery seems fine. The systems themselves have always worked as intended.
I put some video files on my PS3 a long time ago but now I can’t remember how you do that. I think you have to format a flash drive in a particular way, but I’ve completely forgotten how. My guess is the same goes for the 360, but I absolutely cant remember how you play stored media on it. I don’t really need to use them for that now anyway. I could use the television itself now. I just kind of want to do it.
I finally played a bit of Transformers Devastation on the PS3, which I’ve had since they released the titan class Devastator toy. There’s a little advert for it in the case. I bought the game used after it was already out for a while. Played to about one checkpoint and then set it aside while my life fell apart for a decade. Better late than never, I guess.
I’m not even sure where my games are for any of the systems mentioned. I just ran across a little pile that was right where I left it years ago when I sat it down and never got to come back. Minecraft, Dragon’s Crown, and Transformers on PS3, Fable Anniversary for Xbox, and FE: Radiant Dawn’s case for the Wii/WiiU (the game was in the system since I actually had it in my bedroom before.
I banned myself from playing Splatoon 3 until the splatfests because I ranked up so high that I get mad because I never win now. Until the season changes it’s not Splatoon for me. My 2 hours of aloted game time goes to something else now.
Gaming info on the internet has turned to absolute diarrhea in the decade I’ve been partially removed from it. Trying to look back into info for these old games is awful. It’s just random schmucks making videos that never get to the fucking point. Or retrospectives where they judge aspects of the games against whatever the moral outrage of that week was. There functionally is no gaming journalism as I knew it as a teenager now. It’s just attention whoring with games tacked on as a way to get you in the door. It fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. I feel like a time traveler that fell back into the worst possible timeline sans open warfare in the streets.
There are certainly worse problems to have. I’ve been having them for over ten years, so I get that tis isn’t the most important thing in the world. it’s just that I managed to live through all the bullshit and now I want to have my reward for being a good boy. Whatever. I want to mod one of my old systems to play old ROMS and just steal all of them. I’ve more than paid for all the old games I like so now all those companies can suck my aged nuts. If I want to play NES Batman on my XBOX 360 by god I’m gonna find a way to do it without paying anyone. Maybe if they hadn’t leaned into DLC and games as a service I’d have some sympathy left, but the well is muddy at best. I own those fucking games. I have them in the basement. If I want to play them on something else I’m gonna find a way… Assuming I can overcome my severe lack of intelligence. Barring that though! Oh ho ho! I’m sailing the high seas, fucko!

But that as may be. Really I’m just laying on the floor and flailing my limbs around because I can’t have what I want right now. Story of my life. Anyway, if you want the comic to keep existing there’s links above the blog, as always. It would be appreciated. Apart from that I hope you’re getting through all these historic fucking events okay. I know a lot of people aren’t. O_O Hopefully I’ll see you back here on Friday in good spirits. until then, verb the adjective noun.


I’m not surprised with the PS3 issue requiring a charged battery to even have players USE the system. Sony at that time got on a VERY high horse and rode on the coattails of the successes of the PS1 and the PS2 to fuck around any way they want with the PS3 and expecting gamers to deal just because it has the Sony name attached to it. It’s why I won’t bother playing any Sony consoles past PS2. The pre-PS3 era is when Sony gave a rat’s ass to the gamers and developers to help make the Playstation consoles the best damn consoles anyone could ever want. Sure, there were plenty of shovelware too for the consoles but when there were games that were good, they were GOOD and the developers were allowed to toot their own horn over it.

I’m thinking of buying some video-games systems, like: a Nintendo, or a Super Nintendo, and/or a Sega, systems.

What are some good games for these machines?

What you should do is get a rom cart and just load it with all the games that ever came out for each one. It cost a lot one time but it’s still less than trying to buy actual copies of most of the better games.

I only ever really liked Castlevania Bloodlines for the Sega, although I’m sure there are more games I simply never had a chance to try.

For the NES most of the best games are available ported to other systems so you can have a better experience & it’s only worth tracking one down if you absolutely want to play some of the obscure crap like Roger Rabbit, or Batman. In fact, most rom carts can play NES roms so you can get one for the SNES and emulate the NES on it.

The SNES has a lot of games with no other ways to play them apart from finding the actual pak, or emulating them. Almost all of the best games are available on better, newer systems, or updated in some way. If you want to play Arcana you’ll have to find a physical copy, or emulate it. In fact the fan reconstructions of the game are actually better because they rebalanced the entire experience so it isn’t a relentless slog fighting monsters every two steps. I can’t think of any games off the top of my head that are good AND can’t be obtained for a better price on a modern platform though.

Batman? Crap? Now, I know the game has issues with the wall jump and rare health drops and Jack Nicholson being one of the hardest final bosses to beat in all of NES history, but the game is still a great gritty time, especially with that GODLY soundtrack done by the good folks at SUNSOFT.

I’m definitely going to second emulation. Harder with newer consoles, but SNES games are very easy to do. Unfortunately, my favorite ROM depository stopped allowing ROMs on it, due to legal issues.

I like how Thomas is teaching Mike how to be a better manager. :)
It’s sort of like: “You can’t be a teacher, without learning something yourself”, and all of that.

The OG xbox is easy to softwood these days and makes for an excellent emulator setup all the way up to some ps1 titles running fine. N64 is very hit or miss, but all snes, nes, sega stuff runs pretty flawlessly with good support for controller setup.

I still have my Halo one. I’ve always wanted to set my old systems up for emulation but I’m too slow a study in my old age to learn how in my spare time generally.

I messed mine up recently trying to add newer video capability but before it got scrambled it was by far the easiest setup I have had for emulators. I made one with a raspberry pi3 a few years back, but it’s not quite as convenient. It does work nice with Bluetooth controllers and can get just about any style you want all the way back to atari. I used a ps3 one til it broke and now have a current xbox controller paired.

This is what enlisted mean when they mention butter bars. A newly minted “leader” with no previous experience relying on the people below them that worked their way up to actually run things.

Is [butter bars] a military term?

Yes, it refers to 2nd lieutenants who have 2 vertical gold bars on their rank. These are the lowest commissioned officers and thus ranked above the enlisted, but they’ve only been in the military the same amount of time as a private (lowest enlisted rank).

That’s very cool.
Thanks! :D
I like to hear about stuff from: military news, + military history.
I have some friends who were in the military, and they very much enjoyed their time in it. :)

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