ABANDON SHIP!!! THE SSS THOMPSON IS SINKING!!! I mean, come on, she is so obviously faking it! People like her do not cry that easily in these situations. She is making herself cry so Thomas feels guilty!

It was the Ninja thing that made her cry.
Nobody should forget the Law of Ninjas.
That is almost as bad as assuming that a Stormtrooper can actually shoot you.

You all seem to think that we girls will always fight fair. Why on earth would we give up our weapons

Well, y’all keep calling yourselves “the fairer sex”, adn for some reason we foolishly keep thinking that y’all will live up to that notion. Oh us silly, foolish men!

. . . And apparrently I’m too dumb to know how to spell “and”, that might kill my argument a little.

Wrong meaning of “fair”. (Very VERY wrong, as you’ve observed)

It’s the older English definition that can mean beautiful or light-coloured (fair-haired as in blonde, for example).
Women on average put more effort into their appearance than does the average male, to enough net effect that “the more attractive sex” becomes a justified generalization. ^_^

(And ladies, we do appreciate your effort!
…Just not enough to have my back hot-waxed out of some misguided sense of reciprocation. Let it go.)

Sometimes the tears of one you care about are what snaps you back to reality of how bad you fucked up.

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