1723 The Wrong Kind Of Pussy.

Tiny bottles of things seem to have the same effect on women as Jo does. The magic of reduced scale is very powerful. It seems to be coded into humans. Maybe to keep us from tossing our young into the river when they get annoying. It must be a good tactic in concert with other things because there are a lot of humans and most of them get raised by their parents. In any event I’m pretty sure Jo would accept any snuggles Carol offered. On some level I also expect Thomas is jealous of that.

The Teen was lamenting her lack of money causing her to be unable to visit her dog at the house, so I bought her some gas. even though that’s probably irresponsible of me in some way. Then I ended up talking about star wars with her BF for at least an hour while she enjoyed her dog. Maybe not the best use of my time, but there we are.


wasn’t there a discussion on here before about where everyone sits on the Kinsey Scale for the BF cast?

That’s how catgirl fetishes are formed.

As they say… “A cat is fine too.”

Your guess is correct! It’s programmed into human biology to find small things adorable. Have you noticed that cute things generally are proportioned odd too? Like teddy bears have large heads, medium torsos, stubby arms and legs? Or that chibis have large heads, medium torso, stubby arms and legs? That’s because that particular proportion is how babies are proportioned. Babies have large heads, medium torso, stubby arms and legs, and we have to find that cute or otherwise humans wouldn’t put up with the shit babies do.

“otherwise humans wouldn’t put up with the shit babies do.”
or the shit they make, for that matter :-)

Insert ‘tight pussy’ comment here…

I taut cat kind of comment came within a whisker of being dewclawed a felidny …

Hmm…remind me never to go into a pet store, and say: “Hi, there! I’m looking for a new pussy.” ; )

That type of talk leads to bad felines, all around.

Yes, that scene would likely to be a catastrophe …

If you enjoyed it, it ain’t waste of time, it’s relaxation time. And if your morale is as low as it looks like in a lot of your comments (not as much recently, which is promising), you need it.

If the teen can drive and is desperate enough, there’s plenty of companies who need truck drivers. Whether it’s a delivery truck or over the road.
Mars and Pepsico are 2 places to try.

That’s exactly why babies are cute, so we don’t just toss them in the river and say, “well that thing is useless.”

I remember the first time I opened up a laptop in the 90s. I couldn’t believe how small all the components were!!! Then I was weirded out by my own reaction. ^.^;

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