713 Wuzzles.

This page is really just a “conversation” between Agouti-Rex and I.  I’ll leave it up to you to guess who got what lines.  The Internet has many famous timesinks.  Youtube is a perennial favorite, but other choices are available.  Over time I have found almost every show or movie, saved in my mind as only a vague memory, twisted by years of perspective, on Youtube.  Productivity goes there to die, along with copyright most of the time.  Or maybe it would be better said that copyright infringement flourishes there, like mold on bread.  Many copyright holders do their damnedest to strip their intellectual property from there, but it’s a losing battle.  Youtube is a hydra.  For every video you take down two more pop up.  It’s far better to work with them; broker some kind of deal to have your content posted there so you get some sort of benefit from it.  Keeping your work secreted away only encourages theft.  Get those old shows out there so that people can find your store.  At the very least throw up some clips and a link to your DVD listings people.  Dragging your feet isn’t doing anyone any good.

Anyway, I’m not sure anyone will remember The Wuzzles.  It wasn’t that great a show to start with, but it had a catchy theme song.   Like most Disney TV outings it’s strong at first but they start phoning it in after about 10 episodes.  Of course the Wuzzles was an original idea, which is leagues better than the shitty sequel shows Disney shits out ad nauseum.

Working on one of those series must be soul crushing, because there are faint glimmers of good ideas peppered throughout most of them.  Ghostly remnants of wit stretched thin over a worn premise.

I doubt that many of you recall the Wuzzles.  To that end I provide a link.  Hopefully it will remain viable long into the future.  Each day takes this particular page further from cultural relevance, and it was already past the outskirts when it started.  The thing that appeals to me most about the Wuzzles is that everything is a portmanteau.  I love combining words together which is painfully obvious if you follow me on Twitter…


Thank you so much for mentioning the Wuzzles. I had the books and stuffed animals when I was a kid and I’ve periodically had them pop in to my head and not been able to remember what they were called, but now my brain can leave me alone until it finds the next ridiculous trivia I need to know.

Holy shit I was thinking about them a few days ago! XD And yes…I remember the theme. Damn them speaking the theme! XD

I remember that the entire 52 episodes of W.I.T.C.H. is on Youtube, which is odd since it’s owned by Disney. So I thought that I would do the right thing and buy the DVD (Mostly because I want to Abridge it) but I found that only the first 12 episodes are available. I’m all for upholding copyright, but if you’re not gonna actually sell them then what options do we have? None.


I’m afraid I don’t know from Wuzzles — in that time period I was doing the Have Gun, Will Travel thing at the Nuke plant — so I’ll take your word for it. I do know Disney’s penchant for milking a cash cow until it’s skin and bones; witness Lilo and Stitch (and don’t get me started on what they did to Chris Sanders).

In re: time wasters, @Deehee is absolutely correct about TV Tropes. I burned up a whole day there over the New Years holiday. Just as deadly is Yelp! I had to pimp or pan a bunch of places I’ve visited.


I totally remember the Wuzzles, but I had books and story-tapes/ 45’s not the TV show. Rinokee was my faveourite I think.. or Eleroo

I rather like to think that the neurons devoted to knowing about Wuzzles could have eventually gone back to doing something productive, like remembering phone numbers or how I ended up in the bathtub again, but NOOO….

i was easily 3 yrs old when i saw this show on tv, i barely remember anything of my life when i was 3, the house we lived in, bedroom, kitchen, backyard, even though i saw these places every single day i can barely remember what any of them look like. Yet here i am, 21 years later seeing this cartoon opening on youtube and i remember it completely even though it was only on for one season.

In the name of all that is holy, I love the Wuzzles… Love them like the tiny abominations that they are… I even have some horrible action figures of them. My boyfriend picked them up for me many a year ago when he found them at a rummage sale, still in box. God, but they are horrible. At any rate, I had a Butterbear plush growing up and I still have no idea where my Wuzzles lunch box went. It was the freaking bomb. I liked all the Wuzzles except for Rhinokey.

I think there’s a Hoppo figure in the basement someplace. I seem to remember my sister having one. I never remember seeing any of the others, but I must have. I was probably there when she got it.

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