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Firstly, thanks for all the birthday messages & what have you. I appreciate the goodwill & gifts. I don’t have anything profound to say about aging. It’s possible that age has expended my capacity for profundity. That remains to be seen, I suppose.
Secondly, the multiple day dust storms have been miserable. My allergies were kicked into a gear higher than I thought possible. The dust is so insanely fine out here & now there’s a thin coating of it on EVERYTHING. Even after taking the dustmop to the floor it’s like walking on sandpaper. I detest the feeling of grit on smooth surfaces. The sound of it makes my skin crawl. It’s going to be like this until we get enough moisture to put the dust down. There was about 30 minutes of light rain the other night and it wasn’t nearly enough. It transitioned to snow which accumulated enough to cover the ground, but it still wasn’t enough to stop the dust blowing in from places where there was no precipitation. The snow ended up looking filthy.
I mitigated some of the problems with allergy medicine, but it just can’t keep up. The air tastes like lung cancer. I hope it isn’t going to be a dry year, but last year was fairly wet and they tend to alternate. The midwest is always trying to turn back into a desert prairie and it feels like this is a hard push for that agenda.
Anyway, the allergies are making me extremely tired so I’m going to cut it off here and lay down for a bit. I hope you guys have a nice weekend. On Monday I’ll be back with more low stakes adventures of fictional people. Until then, try to be a face, not a heel.
Hi, Jackie,
I found this webcomic about two and a half weeks ago and I’ve been really enjoying it ever since. I think this is the longest running webcomic, both in terms of age and strip count, that I’ve ever encountered. It’s honestly amazing that you’ve been able to keep up a rapid pace for such a long time. I consider myself very discerning, as well, and I’m honestly astonished that I’ve been invested for nearly three thousand pages. I do wish a little more happened- the thought of an end is the bane of many a webcomic author- but I appreciate the slow pace and ordinary setting. You do such a good job capturing the sincere mundanity of the human condition.
One last thing I do have to say is that a while ago I read a comment comparing the characters to the old stop-motion Christmas animations, and it’s stuck with me since. I can’t not see the characters in that way now.
For the allergies, I recommend an n-95 mask. One of the few good things covid brought around was making marking socially acceptable, and they do a great job keeping the pollen at bay.
Try Schlock Mercenary (now finished) which published a strip every single day for 20 years.
Admirable though Jackie’s achievements are with the continued production of this comic, it’s still a youngster compared to the grandparent of them all, Kevin and Kell, which has been running since 1995. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WebcomicsLongRunners
Mall Monkeys
I’m glad to know you’ve enjoyed my work.
You would be horrified to learn of Sluggy Freelance which is continuing, and has been updating somewhat regularly for 27 years (since 1997!) with an extremely convoluted overarching plot line(s) and many different major story arcs, some which goes all the way back to the first few strips.
Happy (belated) Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Did Beary change color in the last panel?
And Hqappy Birthday.
No, but I do wonder if his animatronic tongue is working. :)
As someone who is extremely tired of Events Happening, I appreciate your dedication to providing us with fictional people having low stakes adventures.
Happy to be of service.
Great idea about the inner and outer skins. Worst case, you might get some smoke, but that would likely only be a minor cause for concern among the witnesses.
I know it was one of those “outside of the plot” moments with Veronica and Alex talking about John.. But I still ship it. I get so excited whenever Veronica comes back around – mostly just because I love the character, but also for the aforementioned possibility
Similar with Rulette and Mike :P