2804 Hero Reborn.

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And now we finally jump back to another set of emotionally stunted women.

Recently I’ve started having fairly severe anxiety attacks again. Generally coming out of sleep, that last an unusually long time. After a pretty long period of having significantly less issues with that sort of thing it’s always worrying when there’s an uptick. The one today left lingering tremors even hours later. The strange part is that some of them have just suddenly stopped. I’ll be shaking and completely gripped by irrational fear and then suddenly I’m fine. That’s a new thing for me. Anyway, I don’t have any further insights, but I try to note these things in the blog just to see if a pattern ever emerges.

Mom will be off taking care of my nephew for two weeks, so it’ll just be me and dad for longer than it has been in quite some time. He recovered from his respiratory sickness and no longer needs oxygen during his day. We have some kind of larger machine he uses just for when he’s home now. It makes a kind of rhythmic noise that I find oddly pleasant.

Anyway that’s about it for now. I hope you have a nice couple of days. I’ll see you on Wednesday, assuming my anxiety doesn’t get me. I’ll be placing gargoyles around my room to ward off spirits. Until we meet again, own the night.


Dude. I’ve been having the exact same thing. I finally went to a doctor about it and got a prescription… ummmh lroazepam. I keep ot on my bedside table. Just having it within reach helps a lot. Maybe that could help you?

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