2803 Hopping Out.
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I’m worn out from my misadventures today. Have a nice weekend. I’ll see you on Monday. Until then, taste the electrolytes.
Comic Vote
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Shirts & such.
I’m worn out from my misadventures today. Have a nice weekend. I’ll see you on Monday. Until then, taste the electrolytes.
Invoking the lord caused a cross to spontaneously appear on Evrina’s right sleeve. She already has one on the left; one more strike and she’ll complete the whole set.
If you spot an error can just tell me.
Refuse the error and embrace this one Bob Ross style~Happy Accident!
If you see something like that, a wizard did it.
While were on the subject of wizards. Does the goblin King count as one?
By current standards I’m inclined to say the Goblin King is more likely a Sorcerer. But by some definitions of ‘wizard’, yes.
Was there anything in the comic implying or showing that Jo is bisexual and not lesbian, or is that Jessica’s another assumption?
(I just don’t remember.)
I think there was a scene where Jo and some others were out to eat, and she had a “rebooting” panel while thinking over her many attractions. Can’t find it right now, though.
It’s a great one that lets us into her mind.
Thank you, that’s the one I was thinking of.
I recall mention of her attraction to males, but it’s been forever.
She said something like “I like men, too, just not as much as you” to Jess
Jess just CANNOT quit when she’s ahead, can she? The ‘I’m smarter than you’ syndrome writ large. ‘You WILL acquiesce to the label I’ve decided applies to you, irrespective of your view on the subject’.
The 30th anniversary of Rex Manning Day is approaching! Only so many days to pick out appropriate sacrifices!
And that is me caught up after life basically precluded regular reading for four years – I’m inordinately sad not to have more to binge read -currently off sick from work because my sleep is similarly disordered to your own – currently awaiting a sleep study for probable apnoea and very grateful from my skimming of the blogs to live in a country with socialised healthcare – even if it means wait lists for things like this, I won’t be bankrupted by bad luck in my health!
Anyway ,thank 6ou for the entertainment still being here!
Order of the Stick is highly recommended.