2791 Bi And Bi.

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Standing in the rain, talking about love lost… That brings back some memories. What might have been, I wonder, if I wasn’t so broken. Some future where nothing you see here exists? Maybe something more grand? It’s hard to say. I suspect I would have dragged her down with me. Lowered her with my presence. Like a set of chains. What about the others? It’s probably safe to say much the same thing would have happened. Unintentionally I would have hampered them from becoming better. The relentless drive I have to give battle to everything and everyone would have worn them down, leaving dust and disaster.

But on the asphalt, in the rain, I hoped.

Being happy never got me anywhere. Misery taught me the most. Negativity motivates me. I spin regret into longing for better places and try tell stories about it. Still, somewhere in time, I’m still there in the rain, loving them, and somewhere in time, I’m in the rain missing them.

Right now though, I’m the bullet they dodged.


I’m just an artist! Its just art, it doesn’t mean anything!
I want to do some [thing]: 1, introspection: 0 style memery but I honestly don’t know what [thing] should be and I’m not certain introspection is the right 2nd variable either.
Maybe youth & introspection?

I really love what you’re doing with Jess’s character (and Evrina too).

*aS a bIsExuAl PeRsoN* (hahaha), I think it’s great that you’re addressing real problems bisexual people have.

And as a reader, I just wanna see Evrina and Ramon get together!

I kinda feel like a lot of people made some assumptions about what I do and don’t know about this kind of stuff, but I’ve been an artist most of my life that’s very close to half a century long. I’ve been around all kinds of Ls and Gs and Bs and even a few Ts. This isn’t my first pride parade.

Your characters are mostly progressive coded. Some of the things you say under the comic seem more centrist or conservative coded. I understand not aligning perfectly with any party or ideology. I have enough heterodox views that I don’t really claim to belong anywhere either. But I could see how the difference between your words and the words of your characters would give some people questions.

It’s the folly of many, especially the young, to assume that they are the first or only person/group to ever encounter a concept or situation and completely dismiss any notion that some old fogey might have already learned a thing or five in their time.

There is nothing new under the sun.

A problem that has always baffled me. I usually can understand why people think certain things, even if I disagree, but this is one that’s just always confusing. Like “Oh, you’re interested in all 7 billion people, so you can’t be loyal. If you only liked 3.5 billion, then it’d be fine.” What?

Also, there’s no reason why being bi should mean you’re interested in everyone. I had a conversation with a bi person:
– Don’t you find it limiting being het?
– Hmmm. Are you attracted to every human on earth?
– No. …. Oh.

It’s quite possible that I’m attracted to more people than she is!

And there’s absolutely no reason why a bi person should be less faithful or committed than a het or gay person. I don’t even understand why this is an assumption people would make.

Yes, but I’ve known more than a few bi, who are the types to say “I’m bi, I can’t be faithful, because then I’m not with the other gender.” I’ve also known one who would sleep with any of the same gender they could, because he wanted to get his number up, never mind that he was seeing two other people in a threesome relationship.

But plenty of straight people are skanks, too. I think if a bi person is pointing to being bi as an excuse to be unfaithful, that’s just a lame excuse. Like imagine using that on the basis of race; “I’m race X, so that means it’s okay if I do *negative racial stereotype of race X*!”

Man can I just say your work with Evrina is just top notch. Her face convey the exact emotion all the time and it has been consistently so ever since this arc started. Really good work there, this is a delight to read.

I don’t even know if “exact emotion” is a thing, but every panel she appears in her face is just *chef’s kiss*

It’s really surprising to see Evrina, running in this mode.
To me, in this discussion with Jess, she seems to be feeling: confused, slightly hurt, and maybe…a side of her, that most people don’t get to see…[un-shielded].

“lowered her with my presence.” Man, I really want to argue with you, but I watched a bad woman drag a friend down to the point that he committed a slow motion suicide with opiates and alcohol. Apparently the high from combining the two is spectacular, but it utterly wrecks your liver, and you can’t live without one. I highly doubt you’re anywhere as fucked up as she was, and how he turned out in the end before his liver failed. If you have the self awareness to recognize your brokenness, you probably aren’t as bad as you think you are. My friend never really acknowledged he was destroying himself.

This psychoanalysis is ridiculous and not a single person alive would stand there to take this.

If by “ridiculous” you mean “very obvious logical deductions based on the available evidence,” sure, I guess. You seem to be very put off by this; perhaps you need to admit some things to yourself.

I hope that rain isn’t an omen.
As much as it would be a breach of trust and privacy, I think they might both benefit from Jo showing up to mediate… though I suspect she’d flirt instead, which might just make things even worse

I’ll never get over your range when it comes to how you express things. Kind of Shakespearean, really, the ways you can go from raunchy to eloquent without batting an eye.

I can definitely identify with the feeling that you’d drag others down with you in a relationship. I often feel like little more than a weight or burden in my living situation, even though I know I fight my hardest to do thing things I can. I’ve had to accept that I can’t determine what others decide my worth is to them, for better or worse. I can’t try to save others from myself, because they don’t see themselves as needing to be saved. To them, I have value that is beyond the burden I see myself as.

ah there was a brief moment that it could have turned around, but Jess seems to have Pedantic tendencies running the show right now.

and that commentary was poetry

Evrina just said she refused to commit to Jess because of her own bigotry against bisexuals–I’m not sure Jess is the one digging here.

Jess’ dogged pursuit to have Evrina agree with her perspective on Evrinas own art, this entire time she has been telling Evrina that she knows Evrinas motivations and intentions better than Evrina does. Jess could well be right, but this isnt the time nor place for those points to be made or argued.

Her Pedantic nature is controlling her. Rather than letting these technicalities slide, she is chasing litigation. Remember why she went out there first? At this point it is likely that it would have been better if Jess had left well enough alone.

not saying Jess is wrong, but if you go out to say your sorry, and try to repair, got to step down a little and pick your fights, Right now Jess is engaging every target she sees in the conversation and will fail her initial goal of going out to check in on Evrina and fix taking it too far earlier.

(I will make the personal note, that i relate greatly with Jess, i have a strong desire as well to have details right and in order. But that isnt necessarily the path to take in the moment.)

and i give some grace to Evrina on her perspective of Bi, taken Jess’ sexual history is far from long term/committed, and Jess presents a very careless and non committal front. I dont really fault Evrina for not being able to dig/see past the layers, and then having those feelings affirmed when Jess doesn’t support her in what was (for Evrina) a huge life choice to support her friend, and then breaking up.

Oooo good touch with the rain coming down on this scene! It really adds to the intense drama that is unfurling <3

There’s some gross assumptions on both sides here, but honestly that just humanizes the two of them more as characters. They don’t know everything and they’ve had experiences that color their perception.

Jess really seems to be doing the opposite of what some bis don’t care for, really.

“You’re with someone of the same sex, you’re gay.”

“You’re with someone of the opposite sex, you’re straight.”

I’ve heard both straight and gay people say that to their bi partners and other people.

Ramona says she’s lesbian. So she’s lesbian. You don’t tell her, she’s bi. Especially because of some artwork. Not to mention, if she is into Ramon, that may be the only guy ever she is and will be interested in, so she may not think of herself as bi.

Rosie O’Donnel is a lesbian, but she said she had the hots for a guy.

And honestly it feels like by doing so, she’s doing what she doesn’t like, having people assume just because she’s bi, it means she can’t stick to one person.

I worked with a woman who had only ever dated one dude. They had an years long on-again off again relationship. In between she only dated other women. She said she doesn’t find men attractive. He’s the only one who has ever done it for her. They met in highschool before she had figured out she liked girls. She showed me a picture and he did kinda have an ethereal/elven/femboy look to him.

Eh, I don’t really agree. If you’re constantly drawing graphic sex comics of men, you clearly have SOME degree of interest in men. This isn’t comparable to saying “You can’t like men if you’re dating a woman” because that’s as dumb as saying “You can’t like ice cream, you’re eating steak right now!” It’s also informed by Evrina clearly having some prejudice against bi people–this isn’t just an intellectual distinction for her, this is her having a powerful emotional reaction against the notion, which doesn’t really make alot of sense if there isn’t at least a little truth to it; she doth protest too much.

Maybe she perfectly reasonably objects to some figure from her past looming over her and browbeating her on the subject until she gives in and submits? Seems like this is Jess’s intellectual arrogance at the fore.

“Right now though, I’m the bullet they dodged.”

I’ve been feeling this hard lately. Especially it being the middle of February.

A week inside, I think I’m starting to show
I told myself to keep myself in line
Should we get married or just go on killing each other?
I don’t think I hate you enough to commit you to me

-Jawbreaker – I love you so much it’s killing us both

“Right now though, I’m the bullet they dodged.”

Maybe. Though I’m now envisioning you with a stoic Asian wife who mainly wants you to work rather than have emotional paroxysms. Haaa? Love is overrated. Pursue Duty, Jackie-Sama.

Ah, the “If I really loved them, would I want them to be with someone like me?” dilemma. Wish I had some wisdom to impart, but never found anyone that desperate. Couldn’t get the time of day in a clock shop. Hopefully someone will chime in with some profound insight on the matter.

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