I am really digging the framing of panel two, and the bush in the last panel. I am sure there are words about why they are aesthetically pleasing, but I don’t know enough about art to know them.

Simply cannot tell if Evrina will be in the back completely emotionally distraught or if she’s just furiously making out with Raymond xD

I dunno if im missing it or if the site isn’t displaying it, but I havent seen anything from Jackie under the comic for the last few uploads.

Hope you are doing well bud. I know life is…well,life, but I hope the good days can outnumber the bad.

I’m in the discord server. It seems the reactions to the final blog hurt his feelings enough that he just stopped posting blogs. He’s not sick or anything as far as I know.

He is sick of people

that isn’t a high bar to cross if your job involves dealing with general public.
Especially thse of us who have worked in anykind of customer service, olerance of… the human like beings… tends to be really low.

Haha had a friend ask me this morning if I survived my shift.

Told him: “Yes, but my last customer almost didn’t.”

Because I get super salty when someone wastes a limited resource on a non-emergency while being a complete Karen about it.

I don’t understand. Are we talking about page 2775? I’m gonna assume its that, as it fits the bill.

…which means I’m still lost. I didn’t really see much in the way of the usual internet vitriol that I’d have expected. Nobody was really taking digs at the author, just defending themselves. That seems kinda reasonable, by all standards I’m used to seeing on the internet at large.

The comments are moderated. The worst stuff was removed.

Ah, I see. I shoulda thought of that, honestly. I missed that comic somehow until just now, so I’m only learning this all retroactively. Literally went backward to see when the last blog was and only then realized that I’d somehow skipped a page at some point.

Of all the pages to miss out on, too. What a doozy.

I miss Jackie’s blogs. Those were part of what I showed up for.

I’m sure I’ll get over being butthurt eventually.

Its okay to take your time. You matter too, and you get to take space to feel hurt. Being publicly visible sucks; I’ve left nearly all social media at this point and my life is much better for it. So, I get it, at least a bit.

Thank you for continuing to post comics. I’ve not been in the comments section for a few years but, I’m continuing to read, and I appreciate getting to see your take on the world.

I thought Jess went a bit too far with her last couple jabs at Evrina. Good that she’s recognizing it instead of just letting it hang in the air.

But I can’t help but wonder why she came here in the first place, like she didn’t know something like this could happen.

The first visit went just fine. Why would she assume the worst? It’s not like she hates Evrina. There’s just unresolved issues.

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