That last sentiment sticks to me. I have siblings that have hated me, driven me mad, made me cry, the works. But damn it, they’re my little babies, and I would die for them. It can be hard to move past all that stuff though. It takes time, and plenty of communication.

Sibling love be like that sometimes. Me and my brother aren’t talking right now, but if he ever shows up at my place or calls me for help, I’ll find a way to help, no hesitation.

similar to my situation too
it’s been almost two years I think since I’ve last seen him. we’ve spoken a little, but usually when it involves something semi-urgent or our parents

I don’t know how he feels, if he’s wanting to cut me out or not, but as long as its within my capability, I’ll do whatever he asks for

This is just my interpretation, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Jesse strikes me as having two major issues holding her back. Those being her lack of focus, and her inability to handle infrastructure. Ed said that Jesse had a tendency to take on projects, only to dump them after the “new project” high wore off.

Jesse seems to be into the fun parts of such projects, but not the down and dirty parts. The small organizing done behind the scenes so the big creative parts can actually be put up. The money gathering, the supply purchasing, making sure the area is set-up. These kind of things.

Sounds about right. She wants instant success. She doesn’t want to really work for anything. She wants it handed to her. If it’s fun good. If it’s not, she’s out.

Which likely means at some point she’ll break it off with Jo, as relationships become work, but right now she’s still in the fun and new.

I dunno, for me it reads more like she’s liking the ideas of her projects, but never the execution. It’s likely not instant success she wants, but instant passion. She’s trying so many things, trying to find that one thing she can be passionate about, but ends up empty after a few weeks, so off to the next thing

An endless cycle with no clear end in sight

This is very common for creative-type personalities. They are energized with making something new, but after it’s been created the development process — and especially the marketing and selling — are dull and boring. It takes real discipline on their part to actually see a project all the way through to the end. I speak from experience.

The closest I have to Ed and Jess is my little sister and me. I am mildly ADHD. I look disorganized but it is just that I like things to be where I left them. And I usually have more than one thing going on at once. My sister is mildly OCD and is the person who will get up to straighten the pillows when someone gets up off the couch. You may imagine the friction this caused. Things got better after I graduated and went off to college. Even when basic personalities stay the same, circumstances can bring about improvement.

Jackie, I love the little detail of showing Nina’s hand behind her soda glass. It gave me an extra smile, as did the title for this panel. Keep on truckin’; we love what you bring us.

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