two seconds later, Jess, trying to pry away a tall blonde from a vertically challenged, glasses wearing dude : “NINA WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BROTHER THIS IS A PUBLIC PLACE!”

I wish airport could sat ai called it, but I was much to lazy to post my guess and it felt like a spoiler…

Still, how will Jo keep this a secret at Megstainment? She’s too gleefully excited about all the things and secrets

Why would she need to keep it secret? The store rule is against employees dating each other. Jess doesn’t work there.

It’s stupid, but supposedly they live in a place where homoromanticism is considered a bad thing. Personally, I say, “let he who is without sin…”

Really? I always got the sense that sneaky Jo sees and hears more than anyone realizes, and she’s good at keeping her cards close to her chest. Pretty sure she knows all sorts of secrets. She’ll probably be the one to catch Wes doing something bad.

Maybe Jess is also: covering up, so the store’s workers, Ramon + Evrina, are not…unnecessarily tempted.


Where, I ask, is that kind of temptation in my everyday life?

Real life just isn’t fair sometimes.

Heh, heh!
Like Beavis + Butthead said: “There’s some tarty girls in this Salt N’ Peppa video. Where are the, really, tarty girls? I never see them around here!

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