A friend of mine had a theory that a lot more people would be artists, musicians, and writers if it wasn’t crushed out of us at an early age.

I never tried to draw because I was scolded for barely being able to color in the lines when I was five.

I loved to sing and perform, but was heavily criticized for being a nervous wreck in auditons, I was a fourth grader.

I love the arts, but all my confidence and willingness to try was so tranpled out of me that I couldn’t even think of attempting. By the time I hit Jr. high, all I could see was how subpar I had always been told I was, so I couldn’t make myself try.

I guess the point of this rant is that I feel that last panel in my soul pretty hard tonight.

You have no idea how much we have in common. My parents tried to destroy me mentally as much as physically and financially.

I’m sorry to hear that what we have in common is such a negative thing. I hope you are able to pursue something you love now, even if it’s only as a hobby. You deserve joy in your life.

I sing karaoke style in the Reality app. No one can see you, no one knows who you are, just your avatar.
I’ve gotten so much better in the last 3 years!

While that sucks, because being creative is a great pasttime and source of self-development, I don’t think that has any effect on how many people would have creative careers–there is simply not enough money in the field for the mountains of people who want to do it, and what money IS there is usually from the tiny minority that get massive attention. Fact is, not many folks really go to plays or the symphony or whatever. Especially since we have so much accessible at our fingertips, so why listen to an amateur when I can bring up Michael Jackson or whomever in a few seconds on my phone? My family encourage creativity in those kids who enjoyed it–most of them grew out of it when they researched the financial future of their field. My one cousin, though, is a musician, and has a film degree. Her career? Construction management.

Actually, I believe Reggie would have the determination and mindset to set himself for the crushing work-habit required to have a shot at being succesfull in the musical world.

Sadly… that world also required to be able to cultivate smooth relationships with everybody. ;)

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