2747 Nephilim.

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Well what should I talk about tonight? If you haven’t cleared your cache since last update you might do that and go back one page. Since I had to do a correction I edited it a little with another joke I thought of in the moment.

I took my Throne Of The Primes as completely apart as I could and sealed all of the cardboard inside and out. Two or three coats. I went ahead and removed the plastic seat, but I don’t think I’m going to sculpt a new one since it would just cover up the art. I might get a scrap of fabric and use it as a blanket or something just for decoration, and I may change my mind about the seat later on. It doesn’t really need it for stability or anything though. It’s quite solid now and I filled in the various package scrapes with marker before sealing it.
The actual halo part can’t be easily disassembled, so I just sealed the back and as near to the halo itself as I could without getting it all over the plastic parts. The plastic will probably get very brittle over time, but if I live long enough for that to be an issue I’ll have bigger things to worry about by then anyway. It will at least last as long as I do I suspect. After that someone else can worry about it. Knowing my family no one will.

I sealed a couple of the diorama inserts too, just to see how it would go. They look pretty nice and are much more solid now. I’ll have to look into incorporating them into my displays.
What I would like to do is get the remaining parts for the cardstock Teletran 1 that came in some of the War For Cybertron figures and see if I can make a complete, solid, version of it for display. Those would probably require a styrene framework to hold it up, but that’s not an issue. Getting the missing parts is the real problem since I’m not sure what I have and what I need. I know I saved the ones I got, but I also know I didn’t buy the entire wave since it included characters i already had. Maybe someone out in the world has parts they saved but would be willing to send to me. It’s something to think about anyway. I kind of wish I had saved the art from the packaging of Gears and Huffer though. They would have made nice little standees if I had thought of it. Really I’d just like a poster of the characters in that cool style but I don’t even know who to start asking at the moment. Something else to think about.

Anyway, it’s time to post so I’ll do that now. I hope you had a nice Halloween and Day Of The Dead. Have a pleasant Monday and Tuesday, if you can, and come back to see me on Wednesday for more low stakes adventures. Until then, mod your podge.


Nephilim? Maybe that means…Nina is an angelic giant?

Giants *are* often known for their tallness, I believe.

Of course.
But the title talks about, “The Nephilim”.
The N.s are, [giant people?], in some bible stories. I’m just wondering how the title connects to today’s page.
Whichever. :)

I mean it’s pretty simple.

While their origins are rather hotly debated in the theological community, the most popular interpretation of Nephilim is that they are the children of humans and angels.

IE: If Nina is an angel, and Ed is a human, any kid they squirt out would be a Nephilim.

Oh, I see. thanks.
I was not aware of Nina’s non-human, supernatural nature.
This [does] change this comic’s story, in some [very], big ways!

I’m impressed that Evrina doesn’t bat an eye even as she suggests a high possibility of them going at it in the middle of the store

Then again, looking at Nina I could see her attempt it

I think Evrina would take such an event in stride.
I think she wouldn’t be shocked, + would likely say: “Hey guys, stop that! That is illegal in this public cafe!”


Love the Ed & Nina arc. Nephilim is technically the plural, and nephal or nephil would be the singular. But, since it comes from a very old Hebrew dialect and there singular does not appear in any texts, it’s entirely academic. Hence, Nephilim is now both the singular and plural. Isn’t English fun? “The rules are made up and the points don’t matter,” according to Drew Carey, who was talking about something entirely different and shall henceforth not acknowledged.

Thanks for your work, friend. Been reading since you started the comic, and never stopped loving it. Believe it or not, it’s got me through some tough times.

Kicked out of the USMC immediately after joining up because they found late stage nut cancer. Had to have a lot of stuff carved out, and then get thoroughly poisoned. Chances of survival were good; had to pay for things by some incredibly illegal shit which I could accept because it ultimately never hurt anyone except other extremely scary criminals. (Statute of limitations have passed on it all.) Chances of prison were good if it kept going on. Chances of recovering enough to not be in constant pain, be well enough to work, or ever be able to support myself financially through legit work sucked.

Seriously made me think about suckstarting my sidearm or maybe pissing off a cop to be done with it. Couldn’t though since it would hurt people I simply couldn’t hurt. So, it made me feel trapped. Forced to live but without hope or reason.

I got through it by focusing on things to look forward to. An energy drink in the morning with my meds and painkillers to wake up. Doing errands for my mother so I could do some good instead of think about my own shit. Look forward to the next episode of this, that, or the other to drop. And, of course, I always had to check to see what you’d posted. Couldn’t wait for the next comic.

Now, 15 years later, I’m still pretty messed up physically, and in a level of constant pain that doctors wouldn’t believe until I was shot working a security gig, walked myself into the ER, and had the issue dealt with without complaint since it honestly didn’t hurt much by comparison. But I’m married now, own a house, am looking at a possible career, and have been able to do right by my friends and family.

Dunno what else to say except thank you; it kept me alive, which has allowed me to keep others alive. (Not going into that part though.)

I’m glad my work helped in some way. I often wonder what the actual value of my work is, outside of whatever money it makes, because that’s all that will resonate through time. Every so often someone someone like you comes along and thanks me like this and I remember why I do it at all. Being useful to others, and easing their journey, is better than any other success since it’s the only thing that matters when the coffin lid gets nailed shut. I hope you can enjoy my work and, maybe your life, for a long time to come. Thanks for reading.

Haven’t been quite as unlucky as our friend here, but I will say,”Cancer sucks.” and your comic has been something reliable when so much isn’t. Rest assured, you are a bright spot in a lot of cloudy days. Actually read your comic first. I usually save it for last, but couldn’t help myself.

Jackie, have you considered bartending in your spare time? That or a therapist of some kind. Do you realize how people open up to you? I guess you are a bit of a therapist at that.

I have limited sympathy for drunk people, but many people have suggested it over the years. I did study to be a therapist briefly, but I didn’t like the direction the mainstream advice was taking even back then.

My mother and I both have a strange aura of approachability. I’m not sure what is so welcoming about us, but people often feel safe with us and open up just out and about in the world.

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