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The weekend is already upon us. Honestly I’m beginning to miss the feeling of time dragging on endlessly. Always feeling like things are speeding by at warp speed isn’t doing it for me.
There’s this series on youtube called The Amazing Digital Circus. If you aren’t terminally online you might not be aware of it. It’s been the obsession of obsessive interneteers for a while now. On of many, but still. Anyway, it’s on Netflix now. 3 episodes. I mean it’s barely a series, with a small group of people making it, and it got on to a big boy streaming service. Wild. Honestly though, it’s as good as anything Netflix has spent millions of dollars creating and better than a lot of it. What I’m saying is that I like the idea of people making whatever good things they want to make and big companies paying them to host it so they can share in the attention. Keeping creativity out of the hands of accountants and robots seems like a good thing to me. I wasn’t going to watch TADC, but I broke down after a while because of all the hype. It is actually good, IMO. It’s bleak in some ways, but seems like it has a point it’s building to, and there’s heart behind it, which is more than you can say for most of what’s being made by wealthy companies.

Anyway, I don’t think you’ll be seeing Between Failures on a streaming service anytime soon, but maybe they’ll come sniffing around again like they used to now that some other scrubs have done well. XD

Alright. Have a nice weekend. I’ll see you on Monday if the fates allow. Until then, try no to abstract.


Oh Reggie. He apparently stills needs an epic fail before he’ll consider that he might be wrong, sometimes.

He’s had a few epic fails already, what he really needs is one that’s specifically and undeniably a direct result of his own judgement rather than any kind of clumsiness or lack of skill

I’m not sure any of his fails have been epic, although setting a microwave on fire is amusing. But yes, he needs to be catastrophically wrong.

The Amazing Digital Circus is the most successful indie toon ever created and with good reason. The writing is tight with intricate details spread out to give people hints to the nature of the circus and its residents who inhabit it, the characters are colorful and memorable and play off each other well, the soundtrack is a bop, and the existential themes are deeply thought provoking. Plus, Gooseworx, the creator of the show, knows how to sell to their audience. I mean, the merch alone, is astoundingly attractive.

Just don’t watch the content farms for it…

You’re quite right: The Amazing Digital Circus is…. Is…. Um, I’m too gobsmacked to have adequate words. It is correctly named though—”Amazing” it is. (I stumbled across it recently on YouTube. Probably because I like and have watched a number of other animated shows there.) I wish I had the liquidity to help support the show by buying some of the really wonderful-looking merch showing off the great character designs. (Heck, while I’m at it, I wish I had the liquidity to up my monthly contribution to your Paetron.) I just hope The Amazing Digital Circus doesn’t move off into pay-subscription land—I really couldn’t afford that.

In any case, I believe you are also correct in your assessment that Between Failures isn’t likely to show up on a streaming service in this decade. More’s the pity—it is a great strip. (My philosophy when looking for new webtoons to follow is “Come for the art … stay for the story”. Having taken the Deep Dive back to the beginning, I have to say Between Failures scores big on both counts, as well as being populated by interesting, fully-developed people.

I hope you are able to continue to do it for many a long year. And I wish some smart, rich person would decide to subsidize you with no strings.

All best,
—Da Fredcritter

I’ve been vaguely aware of TADC for a while, but never actually worked up the interest to watch it personally. You’re far enough out of the groups that I would expect to recommend it (no offense whatsoever) that I may need to give it a shot at some point.

TADC to me was a technicolor fever dream, I couldn’t appreciate it
. I do love the Hellaverse and what vivienne has done for indie content. I used to read Lakadaisy cats on deviant art some 18 years ago, now it’s gearing up to follow TADC and the hellaverse. It’s a fucking awesome day in hell, peeps

Animation fans who want meaningful, passionate works are finally eating good again. The original success of the Hazbin Hotel pilot in 2019 threw open the floodgates for the indie animation renaissance and it’s been an enjoyable ride thus far. Lackadaisy is also great but it may not have as many episodes due to the fact that Tracy Butler has barely done any work on her official webcomic.

I’m also enjoying the hell out of Helluva Boss. The short with the Weaboo girl is comedy gold!

Your description of that show reminds me of how some people describe Smiling Friends. Haven’t seen either, but I’m glad to see creative people embarassing the big corporate grindhouses.

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