2729 Work On It.

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It really seems like the days are coming on faster and faster recently. Maybe my brain is slowing down. Maybe it’s just from all the sorting and organizing I’m doing these days. I’ve thrown away so many boxes of random things I saved for various reasons. Some things I still have a hard time letting go of, but boxes and random papers that I can’t see a future use for I’m just throwing away. I really like package art though. Especially interesting art like foreign action figures and such. Also, the art on the boxes for modern figures is amazing. I wish I could just buy posters of some of it. Star Wars boxes are generally boring these days unless they are trying to emulate old Kenner stuff. Easy to pitch. Transformers Legacy box art is so amazingly interesting I have to talk myself into it, and get pictures on my phone, or even with my camera if it’s really excellent. Masters Of The Universe is very much the same way. Super interesting action scenes with hints about new releases. Especially on the figure sets they will do murals basically. As an artist I have a difficult time seeing art as disposable. Unless it’s generic looking like a dog food container or something.
If you’re familiar with Defunctland it’s kind of similar in that I’m interested in the kinds of media we’re not supposed to pay attention to. In some other life where I actually learned to make more conventional art I think I would have liked to paint packaging images. When I look at stuff like that I think about what the artist might have been thinking. Maybe it’s just a job to them, or maybe they try so hard because they hope it will sell more things, or maybe they hope someone will notice. I notice.
Even if it’s something at the store I don’t really care about I like seeing what people are trying to grab attention with. I dunno, I guess everyone needs a hobby.

Anyway, I need to get back to my other goals so I’ll cut it off here. I hope you have a nice Monday and will come back on Wednesday to see what’s going on. Until then, swiggity swigg swagg swoggle.


Honestly? Good on Thomas, I always hate it when people continue to rag on you after you acknowledge the problem and verbally commit to fixing it. If you can own up to your mistakes and strive to not repeat them, that should be the end of the discussion until it actually comes up again, continuing to beat you up over it beyond that point is pointless as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to build resentment.

This was and still is, in some parts, a common problem with certain adults and supervisors. Even if you commit to fixing your problems, they continue to nag you anyway under some perverted guise of “setting an example” or “keeping you on your toes”. It’s power tripping under the mask of discipline.

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