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I have these headaches sometimes and they don’t make me feel pain. What they do is make me dizzy. Not always, just when I move certain ways. They mess with my balance. I didn’t know that was a thing, but apparently it is. I don’t have them often, but recently when my sleep schedule got all screwed up I started having them much more often. One day I finally had one that was actually painful. I almost completely stopped having headaches after I got my cpap. Before that time, even when I was very little, I had headaches CONSTANTLY. This kind is a new one that started around the time my grandmother died. I think what causes them is kinking my neck a specific way when I sleep. Anyway, it was disruptive enough that Once I got my page done I just wanted to sleep basically. I got my sleep area arranged in a way that seems to be letting my neck heal from whatever the exact injury is that causes the issue. It’s just a thing that happens now. Honestly, compared to the headaches I used to get I’ll take no pain and some moments of being imbalanced. Ideally I’d just be normal, but as one ages one must accept that the body will not last forever and the breakdown will have symptoms. On balance mine have been mild compared to many people I know. I pray whatever god is looking over me will continue to ease my passage through this veil of tears as it has done so far.
Apart from that my body is actually doing okay in spite of the back injury from burying Sister. I feel lighter as I continue to add more things to my daily exercise thing. Anyway, that’s why I kept not posting blogs. I’m trying to align myself back to a better sleep pattern. Not much has been going on anyway. I’m just going through my stuff and throwing away things I was too emotionally attached to before and sorting out all the things I never could while the relentless barrage of bullshit was occurring. Someday I may even be able to actually build some of the Lego sets that built up over time. What a glorious day that will be.

Anyway, I won’t bore you any further tonight. It’s after posting time but I’m awake so I decided I had better give a status update. As always, support links up above, I hope you have a pleasant couple of days and come back again on Friday. Until then, do the dew.


I had something similar to the “headaches causing dizziness rather than pain” not too long ago. One day I woke up with vertigo and was off-balance and nauseous for a full and a half after that point. From then on I would occasionally wake up off-balance for a while, especially when I was low on sleep, but it slowly got better over time. The doctor said it was likely an inner ear problem and can just happen sometimes. He said to seek further medical attention if it persisted, but considering it got better over time and eventually went away, I left it at that.

Dude, you need to see a doctor. Any time you have pain that is CHANGING, you need to get checked to rule out anything, and cardiovascular symptoms like that are a red flag for sure. It’s probably nothing, but again, if you’ve been doing this for years and suddenly it’s worse? It’s time to get checked. You are not allowed to have a stroke before you finish these plotlines.

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