Take care of yourself, Jackie. I also find myself at odds, awake at 5am when 8am would be a good night’s sleep.

Now I want Thomas and Carol to go dancing on a date.

That third panel makes me so happy!

And yet I have a premonition that things are about to go out of control.

Do take care, Jackie.

Nina is going to literally explode when she finds out what she missed. On the other hand… she’s probably still naked, so that’s nice.

(For those who have forgotten, the last time we saw Nina, she was admiring Ed’s enormous… talent.)

Yay! Reggie is a happy + friendly man!
Next week: [Wes] will see the error of his ways, + become a better friend to our heroes.
I kid. I kid. ;D

Personally I’d rather see Wes get a comeuppance than a redemption. Reggie was just annoying and kind of a jerk, Wes is actively malicious.

I can go either way. :)

I think that seeing- Wes seeing the error of his ways + tearfully repenting, or him getting royally thumped for being a massive twit, would be very, fun storiies, indeed!

I don’t know it feels like Reggie has grown as a character.

I agree, that’s why I said “was”. For a good long while Reggie and Wes were lumped into the same category in the comment section, now that Reggie has been getting a “redemption arc” of sorts and has grown to be rather likeable, some people might want to see Wes get the same treatment, and I don’t want that. Reggie was a jerk, now he’s getting better, that’s growth. Wes is a criminal, even if he does grow and get “redeemed” that should still involve him leaving the store in some way.

We are invested in these characters, Jackie. Stop and think about that. It’s no small feat. Don’t know if I’ve been attached to a group of characters like this since Firefly. Think about it. You have a good idea where all the real fans will be, Monday Wednesday, and Friday. In the palm of your hand for a little while……

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