2715 Antagonish.

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With the back pain I’ve been having I decided I was gonna get out the massage ball and give my back a going over to stop me feeling so tense. It was a terrible miscalculation. I disturbed the house of cards! It’s not worse than it was, but it made sleeping extremely difficult. Stuff was sliding around, being jittery, it was no fun. I got up feeling worn out. Luckily I had already finished tonight’s page because I had a premonition of disaster. After dad was fed I laid back down and accepted the situation without the worry of needing to get something done on time. So wise.

Anyway, it seems like people aren’t interested in long posts right now, so I’ll remind you support links are above the post and ask you to have a safe time until next we meet. Until then, stay hydrated.


I am finally noticing Carol’s “fall”, her hair that brushes her shoulders, is now being shaded purple when years ago it was black

“Fall”? What is that implying? There’s something wrong with your screen if you’re seeing purple. It’s the same shade as her other hair darkened toward brown.

Mmmm, definitely purple. But I doubt it’s my screen; probably my eyes. I guess as I go blind, brown looks purple ^_^

Given Carol’s role at the store, I feel like she’d do well to turn her “desire to torment idiots” toward protecting her employees from the worse customers, it would help with those who feel a need for recognition and status to feel valued by management and it would free up the other managers from having to deal with that crap, *sometimes* Mike might need to be called in to back whatever play she makes since he’s the GM, but generally having somebody from management tell off a customer for treating the employees poorly and pointing out how absurd their expectations are is enough to get them to just leave since “let me speak to your manager” has proven to be a bad tactic.

I’m not saying she should go on tirades to the customers, be openly antagonistic, or even ignore diplomacy, just that she can direct her strong personality and disdain for stupidity so that it acts as a visible shield for the subordinates. If they institute a policy that if a customer is being a problem they should call Carol and let her deal with it, then that would be a very effective way to leverage her general style of behavior while also leveraging what motivates the employees to the store’s advantage.

I like that idea.
She can take a new tactic of: (I’ll stop tormenting the co-workers, who are idiots) and instead, I’ll switch to: (I’ll start tormenting THE CUSTOMERS, who are idiots).

y’know, I could really use a Thomas in my life to read me and give me a rundown of some useful motivations

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