2706 School On Saturday.

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I don’t have much to report on at the moment. My dad asked if Sister had died today. I assumed he already knew, but apparently no one actually told him. She wasn’t in the habit of seeking him out, especially since he is the only one of us who absolutely refuses to give dogs table scraps and that’s what Sister was all about. He knew she was sick and didn’t have long the other day, but it was funny, in a sad way, that no one got around to telling him, or even thought we needed to. Obviously he noticed that she wasn’t patrolling or he wouldn’t have asked. He was out of town when she died. I don’t know if that’s illustrative of anything important, but it’s a thing that happened.

Anyway, it’s seven minutes past posting time so I should just do that, since the comic is why most people come here. Hopefully I will see you again on Friday. Until then, fribble that wibble.


Family has me across the county this week; I got to the computer first time about ten minutes ago, figured I’d wait another ten to see the current comic.

My mom’s dog passed too, and while she wasn’t named Sister she was very much called my sister, and Mom loved that dog more than life itself. I don’t know what deep miracle it is that love comes from animals who find us, but it certainly is deep, and a miracle.

Perhaps tonight I’m trying to feel the sweet more than the bitter, but if bitter will always be there, then sweet memories should always be there, too. I’ll cry a few tears for your Sister and mine, and then try and smile for the little ways they were.

Go ahead, Thomas. Tell Carol how to motivate you!

That’s easy for him to weasel out of.

A core rule of macroeconomics is “People respond to incentives”; which given that an incentive is just defined as “a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something”, people respond to things that motivate them.

And if I go further, I broach upon this guy’s routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVp8UGjECt4

But, In the spirit of the letter, I too am curious how he will respond.

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