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Well it looks like I have a very disruptive Wednesday ahead of me. It’s one of those situations where you wonder if it would have been better to stay silent and take your chances rather than have to pay a lot of money for nothing. For whatever reason I chose to speak up so now I get to have an adventure I’d rather not have. It also throws the American insurance system into harsh relief yet again as they demand things that aren’t required for reasons that aren’t clear. Meanwhile the people who should be keeping these things from happening are lining their pockets with bribes and not doing their jobs. And they wonder why someone might want to take a potshot at a politician. There are many reasons. It’s funny how much can happen so quickly when their lives are at stake compared to the peons who fund their machinations…

Whatever. It is what it is and I’m powerless as one man to change anything. All I can do is rage impotently and hope that my efforts might improve life for people who come after me. You don’t plant a tree for yourself as they say. In any case I hope the comic finds you well and that you will return to me once again on Friday. Hopefully I will return to you as well. Until then, dah bo dee bo dah.


Mike is smart enough to lend an ear instead of having it shot off. So that’s a point in his favour.

I do actually agree with Mike here that having Thomas involved in his work emails would probably pay dividends, the man is eloquent and gets his way xD how Mike would live up to those emails in person would be a very different question

And regarding your personal comments, raging impotently in the hopes of improving life for those after certainly does feel like an apt way to describe my own life, but I consider it a good way to spend time xD when apathy is the alternative, rage it is.

Don’t do it, Mike. Thomas may be perfect for putting out crafted emails, but his intent may not be yours. It’s the difference between, “those schedule changes will upset many of the staff, but could be doable” and “I suggest an action plan for implementing the scheduling adjustments that includes support from the district office during the transition period. One FTE from the regional management level seconded to the branch should be ample to oversee the operations of the branch, including sales-forward service delivery, agile inventory control, oversight of human resource procurement consistent with KPIs, and direct emplacement of merchandising within the existing fixtures.” (Or “Ha! If you think one person on a shift is acceptable, get a regional manager to work a week alone like that, and we’ll see how much they manage to upsell, upsell, upsell while trying to hire new minions to replace the people you just pissed off into walking. Also, good luck trying to fit the bored marketing department’s latest fantasies into this ancient store.”)

Thomas understands clarity. So does Mike. Such bafflegab is unlikely to result from a collaboration, except maybe as an occasional joke.

To acknowledge an 800-lb gorilla in the room here, superlative vocabulary doesn’t mean shit in terms of professionalism. It merely creates an illusion of it towards others to the environment in which it resides for the purposes of boosting confidence to the company’s image. Real professionalism is defined by the end result and the satisfaction of the client from it.

If Thomas edits all Mike’s work emails, there will be at least one person who pays attention to them.

Thomas uses big words frequently. This means he either knows what they mean and can use them, which means he’s smart, or he learned just enough of them to LOOK smart and he’s dumb as hell. Either way, he has no compunction about looking smart, whether he actually is or he isn’t. He either wants to look smart or he is and doesn’t care enough to hide it.

Whaddya think, sirs?

Insurance, Hoo boy.
Yeah- a male relative of mine had his home insurance [cancelled] after he made just 2 claims in about 2 years.
Just my view- there are a [lot] of pirates + liars- in some insurance firms + some financial firms.
“Beware of insurance agents bearing gifts”, + all of that.

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