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Well, here we are again. Quite a weekend, huh? For future me, and those who come along after, the previous weekend was the one where someone almost shot Donald Trump at one of his campaign rallies. Hopefully there aren’t going to be a bunch of similar situations so I don’t have to come along later and be like “the first time”. Also Dr Ruth died that week, Richard Simmons, on the day, or close to it, Shannon Dogherty also succumbed to cancer on Sunday, and probably other stuff. This is just what I was aware of at the time of this writing. It was quite a time, future me. I’m sure you remember. I wouldn’t normally mention something like that, but this was an important enough event that I thought you might like some context about what was going on when we were making this page. This was the same night that Sister almost choked to death on a piece of chicken and she was laying on the floor looking like she was dead when you came into the kitchen for dinner. Do you remember? I wonder if she will have passed away by the next time you read this. She’s 15 or so when I’m writing this and her age is finally starting to show. Solomon, Roxy, & Dorothy all died before her. We inherited Precious from Ilene after she died though, so Sister was never alone. I wonder if the future is sad for you, me. I suspect that it is. Are you alone now? Is this the last time you’ll ever read your own work? We don’t always know when the last time we do something will be, but you already know that. Maybe my guess is wrong though and you’re not completely sad. Maybe there are things that keep you hanging on in spite of it all. If so, then good job. You managed to turn things around after all. I didn’t think you would. I doubt you’ll ever actually read this again unless someone reminds you of this page. You almost never read your old blogs, even though you write them at least partially as notes to yourself as to the audience. What about you, audience? Are you doing okay? Did you come through things fine? Are you looking back over the comic after I’m gone? Are you remembering when I was part of your life? I wonder.

I guess I had better think about the present for now. It’s a bit fraught. Hopefully things are still okay and we’ll meet again on Wednesday. Until then, remember never to dig straight down.


I’m in a bad place right now, but as always, this comic is one of my few grounding points in this world. I’ll be here, three times a week, for as long as you are. I hope for better times for all of us going forward.

In my line of work, fancy words like that are abominable. Everything needs to be writen clearly so every one can understand the instructions. This means some times using multiple simple words instead of one fancy. But hey, when your work place has 50+ nationalities and due to working with foreign organizations everything needs to be in english. Great training to those of us not native in it but god damnit do those fancy words throw a curveball, I did get the general idea but had to check dictionary I actually understood the sentence right.

Would you be allowed to use the words “abominable” and “curveball”? (Huh, my spellcheck didn’t even like “curveball”)

No, I got instructions to rephrase a sentence when I used “tug” instead of pull. Me using some fancier words is just because I may have learned what it means and can’t remember other similar word, I am not that proficient in english to have the best word always available, some times can’t even remember simple word.

When I write, I try to find the exactly correct word from my active vocabulary. Sometimes that isn’t there on the first draft. Sometimes it shows up only on the third or fourth draft.

But not being able to edit after posting here means you get to see first draft here. You will never see second draft here.

At least I can look things over before I post, so it isn’t zeroth draft. You get to see typos if the mistaken letters look like the right ones.

I love showing up and being shown up on my rather superlative vocabulary, there’s always something new to learn and in my line of work it’s just funny looking at customers trying to figure out if I insulted them or not

I screenshot some panels since you say how I feel better than I can.

One day I may go over the comic from the beginning, be feel good. You the remaining web comic that I’m still read every update day it comes out. Many other web comics I’ve dropped,or will remain forever unfinished.

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