“Seeing as this is almost an hour late posting I’ll spare you my nonsense.”

But… we like you nonsense…

“Keep your chins up, support one another, we’re all in this together.”

Well put.

I’m glad Megatainment hasn’t divided its Funsociates into Employees and Contractor-Employees. Yet.

I’ve been too many places where the corporate policy was to treat contractors like “red-headed rented stepmules” (my own coinage).

Yep. “We’re all in this together” will forever be in the voice of Red Green in my head. I know it is used in lots of other places, but Red is the voice i hear.

Although it might just be my off-kilter brain, but Red sometimes says a little too much in my brain.

And stores that don’t get updated end up looking worn out or dated, leading to even worse performance. Once that death spiral starts it’s almost impossible to pull out.

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