I love how Nina is drawn in this page, her expression in the last panel says so much by itself alone. Also, her hair down in front of her shoulders make for a different figure than we’re used to seeing.

Speaking of, hey Jackie, is there any real woman with similar hair style as Nina you could point out, like a public figure or someone like that people could google? I like that her hair is more on the volumous side and I know there’s a good bit of stylization going on with it, but I’d love to see what, if any, were real life inspirations for her design. I’d bet it looks amazing! It’s fine if this is the kind of “peek behind the curtain” of your creative process you’d not be ok with us having, but I thought I’d ask just in case it’s cool with you. Cheers!

I’ve only ever seen hair like Nina’s one time IRL. If anyone else has ever had it I’ve never seen it photographed. It lives in my memory though.

I think I know the hairstyle you’re going for. In my early 20’s, I knew a woman my age who had long blonde hair with just a ton of wavy body to it. It’s not as chaotic as the cartoon styling makes it appear, but it is very full.

Interestingly enough, when I read Nena’s words, it is her voice that I hear them in, which is probably not quite right, since she had a western New York accent, and I guess Nena’s would probably be more southern.

Because of all the shades of blue, in the second panel I thought Ed was just sitting there while Nina undressed him.

Study question: As that’s technically a swimsuit, is the top piece she’s wearing technically a coverup?

Seeing them together makes me think of Krillin and Android 18 from the Dragon Ball Z Abridged series. “I am going to rock his four foot world.” can be said from both 18 and Nina in this instance.

I KNEW there was a reason that Nina and Ed’s vibe felt so familiar! That is it exactly! Short, intelligent guy that is awkward, but surprisingly strong, especially since he would naturally be underestimated, and his amazon warrior badass girlfriend! As much as I love Carol and Thomas, Ed and Nina might have just become my favorite couple due to this!

“Leave the gun, take the cannoli!”-The Godfather.

“Lose the shirt, keep the Harry Potter glasses.”-Nina.

Had my sister cut my hair over the weekend.*-++++++++++++++++++(sorry-cat) Beautician in town still owes me 3 cuts on the checkbook I made for her, but I’m gonna stretch them out.


Damn she’s usually attractive, but that’s some strait up 80s coming “gawd damn she’s hot!” Flare right out of weird science or… uh… I can’t really think of another example right now for some reason…

Maybe an example like:
She’s red-hot like the blonde, Jennifer?
She’s hot like Jennifer from the 1980s, TV show: WKRP?

Thomas probably thinks he can take short little Ed if need be. But it looks like he’s wrong wrong wrong.

Ed’s more muscular and he has martial arts training. Thomas would be toast if he tried anything, but he’s probably smart enough not to try.

Jessie designed the outfit? Is that the same shirt Jessie was wearing when she met Jo in comic 741?

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