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I was awake when I usually sleep today waiting for a package that maybe had to be signed for. Luckily it didn’t because I fell asleep about 5 minutes before it got delivered and was awoken by the sound of the truck driving away. My sleep schedule has been doing these weird loops of shifting from one extreme to another. It’s very disruptive. I’ve strengthened my core enough to fix a lot of my back problems though, so at least that isn’t the huge issue it had become. Anyway, since this is late I’ll leave it at that for now. I need to tell you guys about my fingernail adventure but it will take too long so I keep putting it off.

I’ve got a Carol pinup going up on patreon/subscribestar in a minute, so look forward to that after you’re done here. Let’s meet back up on Friday. Until then, remember that Clea is the name of Dr Strange’s wife in some universes at some times.


Always extremely bemused by two very skilled conversationalists who have trouble setting aside the wordplay long enough to do anything else xD an issue my own relationship has run into many a time, blessedly.

Carol is usually pretty adept at skipping ahead when it suits her. We’ll see whether Nina can manage the same, though I strongly suspect Ed has more surprises in store for her.

Did you really mean bemused? Is it so confusing to you, or do you have yourself a chuckle at it?

“I’m going to slip into something more comfortable” is an expression men never tire of hearing.

Then again I never tire of movies from the 30s and 40, so maybe it’s just me.

Except in those old movies, I often thought what they slipped into didn’t really look any more comfortable, and my mildly autistic brain gets distracted by that.

Agreed about that. It was about that time “leading lady wakes up with fully coiffed hair and perfect makeup” became a popular thing.

My mildly autistic brain was impressed by how actresses could do all this on a sound stage full of crew as if it were actually an intimate setting. That’s acting!

I do kind of tire of it sometimes when we’re about to get hot and heavy, like, whatever you’re about to put on I’m just gonna take off again, so we may as well just get to that from here. Alternatively, if the “something more comfortable” is nothing, I’d rather get a show out of it than have her just come out naked. And if the idea is that we’re gonna get hot and heavy *while* she’s wearing whatever it is she’s gonna change into, I’d also like to get a show out of her changing. It took a bit before my GF got comfortable changing in front of me, which was honestly kind of weird for me because I had already seen her naked a bunch, I think she liked surprising me with new outfits, but having her go into a different room to change wasn’t as fun in my opinion.

Clea now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. I’m a huge fan of Doctor strange and I’ve been reading him since the early 2000s. But yeah his love life like all comic book characters are messy.

I read a lot of Doctor Strange comics in the ’70s and ’80s, and Clea was his only lover at that time. I’m sure things got a lot more complicated later, though. Didn’t everything? 8-)

I am of an age where it would be abnormal if I did not have a litany of medical conditions but by far the worst thing is my ability to sleep. What has become my normal is to get about 3 hours of sleep from about 1:00am til 4:00am or so. I will have a 3 hour nap in the morning and another in the afternoon. I have become a housecat. Also I do not get a chance to find a comfortable place to nap I just fall asleep in whatever thing I am sitting on.

I hear you. I’ve had the 3 o’clock slump since i was in my 30’s.

Honestly, part of me wonders if that’s normal. I’m not sure we were really designed to sleep 8 solid hours straight and then be up for 16 consecutive hours. I think our primitive ancestors probably spread sleeping out more depending on climate, circumstanecs, etc. When I’ve been unemployed, I’ve actually felt better sleeping 4 hours at night and 2-3 mid-day, than trying to always hit that 8 straight and being miserable if I didn’t get it.

How did you strengthen your core? Or more precisely, how did you get the willpower to actually stick with exercises? I need to do the same thing but I keep just…not doing the exercises.

You don’t really need to make exercise a whole rigmarole. If you need to strengthen your core just tense your stomach muscles 30 times in pace with your normal breathing rhythm once or twice a day. You can do it with basically any part of your body you want to strengthen. Just flex whatever it is outside of what you would normally do. It’s the absolute minimum effort, but the result is that your body assumes you need to keep doing these things and reacts accordingly.

With core exercises one of the easiest things to do is just a few squats when you’d otherwise be standing or sitting.
Cooking something? 5 squats while it’s heating up. Coffee? 5 squats while waiting. Expecting a package? Do a few squats to keep yourself awake.
They’re the simplest exercise you can do, require very little space, no equipment, and by making them a habit your body will strengthen: Leg, glutes, ab, back, and pelvic muscles.
Also: Regimes and workout times and all that is helpful, but when you start out celebrate when you do anything. Just getting moving, active, from sedentary is working against your innate inertia. That’s worthy of praise. Getting into the habit of acknowledging that effort will make future effort easier.
-t former PT SGT

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