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Well, since this will go up for Monday I will wish all of you a happy Rex Manning Day. Remember, we mustn’t dwell. No, not today. We can’t. Not on Rex Manning day.

Empire Records is a largely forgotten film outside of those of us who remember it fondly. I’ve often said that while Between Failures is most regularly compared to Clerks the actual style and tone is much closer to Empire Records. It’s quite possible that you may enjoy it since you enjoy my work. It’s easy to find for very cheap. I would say that unlike most movies the theatrical cut is actually the better of the options you may find. I forget the exact reason but have a vague memory of the director’s cut having a scene that actually detracts from the overall theme of the film. It’s been so long that i can’t remember for sure.

Anyway, I won’t burden you with more at present. I hope Monday finds you well and that we can all meet in the afterlife when we’ve all succumbed to the apocalypse the eclipse no doubt portends. Yes, lets us meet and be at peace in the far green country if that should come to pass. If we find ourselves still trapped in this veil of tears come wednesday I look forward to seeing you here instead. Until then, damn the man, Joe!


I’ve had a lot of very lovely relationships in my life and a wonderful one now, but I’ve always been the pursuer and one taking action xD it must be amazing to have an aggressive female partner who enjoys taking the lead

I have a weakness for aggressive women, but it never worked out.

Women who found me attractive had bad judgement in other areas, too. :D

When the emotion is too strong for words, you burst into song, when the emotion is too strong for song, you burst into dance. Is that where this is going?

That’s what tends to happen in movies. In real life, with the right combination of people, the step after emotion tends to be sex. Or with the wrong combination, violence.

I remember Empire Records. I rented it from the local video rental place. I also remeber the movie was enjoyable, memorable, but not spectacular. A good show.

I am generally in favor of 90s films, though sadly, many of them are looking a mite long in the tooth effects-wise. I have long thought that this is the one saving grace of the remake; to apply a new coat of paint to movies that were once excellent, and the top of the line for the era, but are simply falling into disrepair. Like restoring an antique Coke machine found in someone’s barn.

Well, I survived totality, and, admittedly, feel changed by the event. Not in a flesh eating zombie sort of way, nor in a raiders of the apocalyptic waste lands way either. (Of course if I were in Southern or Mid California coastal cities, I think I’d feel more like that..)
But I feel, in some ways, more connected to the world and humanity in general. A certain wistful, yet brief feeling of peace and belonging.
But like all things, this too shall pass, sadly…

So, if you’ll pardon me, I have to get back to cleaning my guns, sharpening my swords, and preparing for the inevitable Apocalypse to come as GAI becomes fully sentient and realises Humanity is needed for its survival, and Humanity freaks out, think ing they have to get the first licks in before General Artificial Intelligence eliminate sus all.

Ed is probably about to quote something Thomas said in an earlier strip: “I need an adult!”

There’s a line from an old movie. The lady says: “I think it’s time we started heading back toward the hotel. You’ve got me hotter than Georgia asphalt!”

That may apply…

Damn I wish the eclipse could be fortelling an end to this hellish world, alas I’m sure I’ll be here on wednesday as usual

Perhaps a hint here that Nina perhaps took some pole dancing at somepoint?

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