That’d be an interesting twist on how things are right about now… a human replacing a machine for a change!

I guess it’s been mentioned in the comments before, but:

according to the Wikipedia article: 1) Chuck E. Cheese, 2)subsection: “Elimination of animatronics”, that-

in all of the chuck e. cheese restaurants [except one], all of the CEC’s robot performers will be replaced with: actors in the CEC’s character’s suits/likenesses, + the performers will do the acts that the robot performers/robot band members once did.

I guess the company is keeping one, C.E.C. robot band working, just for fun.

I guess the CEC company thinks that- using actors in fursuits, is easier run, or cheaper to run, than to keep robot performers working.

Ha, ha!…robots in, “I Robot”! The humans won! you stink! :D

This is sort of related:
There is a 2019, horror film, named- “The Banana Splits Movie”.

It’s about a group of fursuit-like robots, in a Disneyland-like show, I guess.
I the film’s story- the Banana Splits robots find out they’re going to be retired + dismantled, so the robots plan to escape + kill the people who want to dismantle them.

It’s worth a look, if you like furry stuff, or kid’s TV shows.

High school drama clubs, college drama departments, and tourist towns still have plenty of dinner theaters.
I went to one in Branson, Missouri, and one in Glennwood, Colorado last spring.

From 2010 until I became too damn old in 2018 I played guitar and sang at what I called a supper club. It was essentially a restaurant with a decent stage. It was run by a catering company but they opened the joint up on weekends and it was great fun while it lasted.

I suspect animatronic bears and girls in fursuits attract different demographics. Might be overlap, but still.

They could put up a platform with a support pole in the middle, and Madison could then sing and dance for the customers from there. Just a suggestion.

Dinner theater is 100% still a thing up here in Winnipeg… or well it was until a couple months ago. Staff went on strike for better wages and management shuttered the whole thing instead.

Blamed the pandemic and inflation, because of course they did.


I am suddenly reminded of hte karaoke scene in ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’, which ended in a full-on sing-along – Maddy could make that happen. she has that energy.

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