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Still can’t get the paperwork to go through for the scan of my cyst. At this point I’m over it anyway. The doctors are relatively sure it’s not malignant. Antibiotics took care of the pain aspect and it’s a bit smaller. It’s filled with some kind of fluid, but whatever. As long as it’s not actively killing me I’m fine.

It all casts light on the frankly ridiculous state of the American health care system. Especially with how insurance is such a mess, in that they don’t understand the value of preventative medicine.

The thing with my left eye seems to be slowly aligning itself back to what I understand as correct. It comes and goes from moment to moment now. My consciousness feels normal for a bit, then askew, then normal, so it’s getting better. I felt connected to my characters correctly for most of the time I was working on this page.

Anyway, I think I’m going to nap a little and then do stuff to get myself back on a more normal schedule for me. If you’d like to support my work please do so via the links above. I guess it’s Friday, so I’ll see you all on Monday if the lord sees fit to give me more time on this earth. Until then, may the wind carry your farts ever away from you.


When there’s a single insurer and they cover *everybody* an insurance company is much more willing to cover preventative treaptment, cause it save tgem money.
Whereas if you can easily switch insurers, they sorry they are just saving your next insurer some money.

Well, preventative medicine doesn’t save as much as people think. I remember some years ago when they changed the recommendation for mammograms for women under 40 to every other year instead of every year (unless you have a family history)–it saved the healthcare system literally billions (because that’s, what, like 20 million women, so if a mammogram costs $100, that’s 2 billion dollars saved every year they skip). Now multiply that by the many thousands of tests denied each year (or doctors don’t even bother trying to get it approved because they know it won’t be) to see how much money it would cost if we had no restraint. If they just paid for every test and screening at the drop of a hat, it would skyrocket medical costs, with only a small decrease due to catching issues early. Of course, if they refuse to pay for practically any screenings, then we would indeed have a massive increase in costs from expensive things that would have been cheap to fix if caught early. It’s not easy. This isn’t to say insurance companies don’t piss me off too, I work in healthcare, but like anything else, there’s a sweet spot where these things are balanced. I don’t think it’s entirely driven by the hope that you’ll be with a different insurance carrier before the easily-detectable disease makes you sick or whatever.

I [really] like the character of Rulette, aka I like how her personality is created.

I like it so much, I wish I knew a fun, + [full of energy]-type of person like her, in real life! You know what I mean?

I think that if you went out to a bar with Thomas + some of his friends, that Roulette would be the most-fun person to be with. :D

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