2421 Yawnathon.
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I’m gonna get all you yawning with this boring page. Before you go to sleep maybe you can take a minute to sign up for patreon to support my very soothing work.
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I’m gonna get all you yawning with this boring page. Before you go to sleep maybe you can take a minute to sign up for patreon to support my very soothing work.
/e yawn
Hey folks, new month, new rankings over at TopWebComics! So help Jackie out and VOTE! He did will last month, but this month is off to a slower start.
Oh yeah, and become a patron, if you can.
Did well. I’d say damn autocorrect, but it’s my Monday morning fingers.
“Hey autocorrect, stop messing with my curse words you mother forklift!
Fuck I started yawning just reading that.
Thanks Jackie. I was at 22 hours awake and goin’ strong, but now I’m yawning. I call sabotage.
Yawning IS contagious. Just one thing Among several others that gets your brain going without any rime or reason *yawn* Goddammit!
Wait… Reggie with no name tag? Let me check the calendar… well, I’ll just chalk it up to a late April Fools gag. Either that or they’re in the back and Reggie knows everyone knows his name that works there and feels its only for in front of customers.
the art is really nice on this page :)
We could start a company, and make misery;
Frustrated incorporated
Nice. XD
This is taking the phrase “misery loves company” in a weird direction…
There is a despairdotcom
I wasvslready yawning before I read this.
And when ZOMBIES yawn, it’s called:
…The Necro-YAWN-athon!
Dyslexic zombies say,”Brians!!”
Hee, hee, hee!
Vegan zombies say, “Grains!”
*Snrrk* Bwa,ha,haa!