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I got almost no sleep today, so I’m gonna keep it brief. Support links are right there above these words. I hope you enjoy the page and have a nice Wednesday. I’ll see you on Friday, God willing. Until then, go ahead and think your thoughts.
I still feel like every business in every webcomic is available for all the characters to patronize, even if the towns don’t technically connect.
Like, anyone could get some Coffee of Doom or a sandwich from Ginger’s Bread or buy a cd from Megatainment.
Maybe in the past. People were more friendly before all the battles of the culture war.
I believe the cast of Between Failures would get along with [the shows- Bluey, + Bubble Guppies], and the people in the webcomic- The Blacksmith Shop by NorthWoof.
(I think they’d like to visit those places, but I think Carol + John might get annoyed by all the kid-friendly stuff, after awhile.)
this is kinda how fictional world building works. if the characters never run into each other there’s not much of a story. or Jackie could write 1700 people into the story like game of thrones to give it that verisimilitude but then…. yeah
I was gonna make a joke about All New Issues but they’re probably no competition for Rulette’s.
Man, I haven’t heard Ginger’s Bread in a Long time.
Probably would have been a big difference if they had been dating for like a year.
Didn’t they just start banging?
Frankly it doesn’t matter how she feels about it. Morally and ethically she was wrong and only a specific kind of person willingly kisses someone else’s girlfriend, an asshole.
I never cared for this character. They’re just always an asshole in one way or another. There’s nothing redeeming about them and these recent events just make me have an even worse opinion of her.
Jackie, I love this arc. I went back and reread it in one go so I could improve the flow. You, sir, can write dialog and draw expressions (among other things).
This is my most polarizing arc ever, going by the comments. I’m glad some people are enjoying it enough to actually tell me.
I’m enjoying it, too. There’s a great depth to the characters. Somewhere Joseph Conrad wrote of a critic who complained about one of his character’s actions–but never complained that she didn’t live! He took that with pride.
Your characters are like that–they have a lot of life to them. ?
Apologies–“?” was meant to be a “:-)” emoticon, but it defaulted badly.
Wait, was that seriously in question? Because this is really good.
It feels like people failing and flailing, lost in their own heads and emotions too much to be good(properly) but still doing their best to be good(imperfect). There’s a cultural belief in the newer generations that “bad is bad is bad is bad” which is an arguably valid response to people using “imperfection” as a catch-all argument for really fucked up stuff.
On the other hand, Life is Messy. To quote a surprisingly good book series: “Not everything in life is methodical and clear-cut. Sometimes it’s messy. Embrace the mess”. As someone who’s on the bridge between Elder Queer and New Gen Queer, who’s Coming of Gay was in the hands of a lot of those who were Elder Queer when I was a young’un, we’re messy. We’re other and strange, and chaotic, and more in touch with our internal chaos than anyone who’s so self-strict and rigid. We *have* to embrace the imperfections, or we’ll just rip our community apart.
Of course.
People might not believe it, but I totally believe the following:
As they said on the TV show, The Magic Schoolbus-
“Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!”
This would not be the first time that someone believed they were being taught a lesson, but had no idea what the lesson actually WAS.
More than a few miss the old days of big-ass hands writing things on walls, and columns of fire and such.
I’d have started with “I kissed her, but she didn’t kiss me back.”
Evrina is too blessed <3
So many comments and yet no one has pointed out “expain” in the first panel. Maybe Evrina is having difficulty because she has no idea what that’s supposed to mean.
They probably saw when it was originally pointed out and then cleared their cache.