2796 Tiny Terror.

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My room smells of dry dust and I can’t figure out where it’s coming from. I’ve kicked up a lot of dust from my cleaning activities but this has a very specific dirt smell that comes from outside when the wind is up. Except it’s not windy right now and it’s pretty moist. I keep thinking it has to be coming from the vents but it doesn’t seem to be focused there in any way. I need to fill up a humidifier and see if that changes the situation at all.

I used to have a backup battery for my old tower computer. The one I used to make the comic originally. It finally died after nearly 15 years of continuous service. I didn’t realize it had failed until the other day when I went to see if my old computer remembered how to rip CDs. It wouldn’t power on no matter what I did. I know it’s needlessly sentimental but I always feel sad whenever something that served me so well for so long finally fails. I tried a fresh battery in it, but it still wouldn’t power on. Whatever failed failed enough that it’s beyond my skill to fix. I have to say though, the battery lasted way longer than the normal lifespan for one. 5 years is considered normal and it lasted for about 3 times that long. Anyway, I probably won’t replace it since I don’t have to rely on that computer for anything outside of absolute emergencies, plus I have my original Surface that still works well enough to make comics if my new one gets broken and need to be repaired. In case you’re wondering it was a very old Cyberpower backup. Assuming they still make them as well as my old one they’re a very good value if you’re in the market for one. The new ones are taller and look very different, but I should think they’ve been improving them in the decade and a half since I bought one, so they should be extremely good by now. I know that doesn’t really hold true for most things, but it would be nice if it did. Probably you should do research before making a purchase rather than listening to me.

Well, I’d better get back to cleaning. I piled a bunch of stuff on my sleeping spot on the floor and I don’t want to get too tired to pick it up before bedtime. Have a nice Wednesday and I hope to see you back here on Friday. Until then, take a bite out of crime.


Hee, hee, hee!

I love the combination of, “I’m really liking the sound of fear in everyone’s voices”,

paired with, [no one believes that Jessi can defend herself].

That’s just an awesome scene!

Evrina, don’t ever change.

It really is amazing Evrina has anyone willing to put up with her.

Per Alex, if you get past the gruff exterior, she’s a very loyal friend. And the way she acknowledged and respected Reggie’s moxie tells me a lot.

She’s done very literally nothing in this comic to justify that statement. Nor, in fact, did she do anything malicious or unseemly in the previous interaction with Jess, where if anything the latter was operating from a position of intellectual arrogance and condescension, and Evrina was, from the back foot, responding with indignance. It’s OK to just say ‘I don’t like Evrina’ since that’s your deal, though. No need to try anything fancy.

She’s very literally done plenty to justify that. Setting aside her baseless discrimination against bi people, she is belligerent, arrogant, and condescending, on a regular basis. Jess was trying to explain something that Evrina has, after all this time, still failed to understand and just responded to on a purely emotional level, but her child-like mind struggles to cope with basic conversation and she lashed out. Which is how she responds to everything, with aggression; she seems like one of those people who thinks she “wins” if she can keep everyone ELSE on the back foot, so she’s constantly challenging people–I don’t feel bad that someone finally treated her the way she treats other people, and in fact beat her at her own game so badly that they decided to reel it in out of sympathy. It’s why she likes Reggie, the other arrogant, aggressive character who constantly starts beef because of his own feelings on inadequacy (but he is, so far, more complex, and has actually been developing–I guess we’ll see if Evrina does). I’m not saying she’s, like, evil. She’s not. But she’s dumb and obnoxious, and you have to navigate her emotional minefield to be around her–it’s why her best friend is the world’s most chill dude, because most people would struggle to put up with her.

Saying that in earshot of her brother probably isn’t the best thing to do.

But Evrina has only just learned this and may have quite forgotten.

I suspect people have faith in Jessi’s abilities, but when the view in front of them suggests otherwise, is a logical conclusion. Mistaken, but logical.

The older Cyberpower used a 1270 class 12v 7a agm battery – they are available for around $30 at batteries plus. Given that, after 15 years the protection circuit may be deteriorated and so a new unit makes more sense. APC is also an excellent brand- its what I use (former IT facilities manager)

I so relate here. I kept my old broken PSP for.. a decade? going “I’ll fix it someday” because it once was my only escape. And then when I got a Switch I kept it secret from everyone but my partner for like three years. Illogical as it is, things can become kind of holy that way when they’re the gateway to something more.

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