2788 Time To Delete Social Media And Start Again.
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I have known a lot of very strange people. In the modern age almost every creative person has made so many bizarre things that no one has any room to judge. We all do whatever we need to to survive and if we can do it by making kink art we do it. The most puritanical artists often have absolutely vile secret accounts that they smokescreen by acting holier than thou. Very similar to anti gay politicians who have gay sex whenever they can get away with it. Most people like to frame it like they’ve been forced into doing these adult creations, but largely they see a way to make money making something they already like and go for the bag. Sometimes you make something you don’t actually like, because the money is good, but more often than not you get an audience of like minded perverts who ask you to do stuff you would have done anyway. The point is that no one is pure. Statistically I’m sure there must be a few pure people in the world, but they exist solely to be the being that allows people to “actually” you when you say something like no one is pure.
I used to be friends with a guy who made a My Little Pony urine inflation comic, among other things. (I apologize for introducing that concept to any of you who were unaware of such a thing, but I assure you it does exist, and it is exactly what it says on the tin.) That person has a publishing deal, an agent, and is a political activist now. So basically what I’m saying is nothing matters, the truth is lies, just try to live your life by hurting as few living things as you reasonably can. Standards are basically an arbitrary means of control. Everything is made up and the points don’t matter.
We don’t get to choose what turns us on any more than we get to choose our skin color, so I try never to judge people on their kinks. One day you’re just 11 years old, you see Bugs Bunny dress up as a girl, and suddenly you feel some type of way you never have before. I could list hundreds of specific pieces of media that gave any number of people I know whatever fetish they have carried into adulthood through no fault of their own. Life is messy and, no matter how hard some people resist that, it’s going to stay messy for the foreseeable future.
The stuff here with Evrina and Jess is such a tangle of what they believe about themselves, each other, their identities, and how the audience relates to all of those things in them, and themselves, I’m sure I’ll never untangle it. Just the thing where Jess is asserting that Evrina won’t accept what her true sexual identity would have been enough to build this entire ordeal on, but I threw in the weird furry comics because I established the furry stuff years ago, and it throws a big, greasy, monkey wrench into everything. On top of all of that I haven’t even gotten to Evrina’s transgressions yet.
Making emotional judgements about things is just part of human nature. It’s basically our first line of defense against potential dangers that are foreign to us. It’s why we read a headline and go running to social media to spout uninformed nonsense, because we let ourselves get emotionally manipulated by people who have honed their craft to a razor’s edge. One of the things I try to do with my work is to get you to hesitate before making that first judgement. Most situations aren’t life or death. Generally you will have time to ask “Am I in the right here?” “Do I have all the information?” “Am I being mislead?” I hope that for some of you my work will increase your skepticism subtly over time. I don’t claim to be particularly skilled, but I’m still making an effort to help people with the tools I have.
Anyway, that’s all I have for you at the moment. At the very least I hope you found something worthwhile in something I’ve done here today. If not, well, I’ll try again on Monday if you feel like coming back. Until then, stay safe, be skeptical, and try to do some good in the world.
Statement of fact, not statement of opinion.
Facts, not feelings.
Amen brother. One may share their opinion but with out evidence it stays as a feeling and not factual.
very true, but Jess’ shortcoming here is chasing the factual rabbit down a hole… which i believe the reason for her stepping out to speak more with Evrina was to get out of the hole and say sorry/repair.
see if she’s able to back things up and stop digging deeper. Which is hard, i have the same struggle, wanting to be sure i’m understood, or that the “record is set straight” (there is great irony in that phrase in this context)
Maybe I mentioned it, but- it’s kind of interesting to look at past years, + see what people used to find: bawdy, risque, obscene, + daring.
Around 1920, an American magazine started, named: Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang [tm].
It was filled with: bawdy stories, “dirty” poems, + “scandalous” photos of women in swimsuits. [Oh no.]
(But these swimsuits were about as scandalous as seeing Higgins, from Magnum P.I. [1980s], in his: tan…work shorts + his Hawaiian shirt.)
If people read a copy of Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang, now, probably everyone under 18, or even over it- will likely find it pretty mild.
(Probably no one now, can understand the magazine’s, “new”, 1920s slang, anyway.)
“Whiz Bang” – does that have anything to do with excessive urine inflation?
Heh, heh, heh!
…I try to stay away from, those “big, greasy, monkey”…comics, too.
The term dates back to WW I, when it referred to an artillery shell that traveled just below the speed of sound. The “whiz” sound of the shell flying through the air was followed very rapidly with the “bang” as it exploded. This was well known in the years right after the war, but the term somehow mutated to refer to something really good, or at least flashy and noisy.
(Yes, I get the joke, this is just my desperate attempt to keep my imagination from going there. I’m running low on brain bleach.)
I really like Evrina’s expression, in the 1st panel. :D
It makes me feel like saying:”Oh gosh! She’s really having a bad time! I want to go over + help her calm down.” :)
(seriously where’s Phoenix Wright when you need him?)
Currently he’s a half naked birdman in Shangri-la Frontier….
I get that reference!yay!
…and then she dies.
Yeah no, I am not at all suprised what the pony fandom did,after Sonic fans I have not been suprised by internet fetishes and any “advances” I just shrug as us heading for weimar germany level of depravity, waiting for the next reboot.
Death by embarrasement sound like a nice way to go… compareed to others my hobbies and career choices have introduced, never mind current global politics. Don’t worry americans before you get drafted me and my kin have already been lifted from reserve and fought for our country a good time, you get to play the big damn heroes arrivibg at last minute saving the last stand.
Evrina is her own judge. Problem is the judge still hates the defendant.
Indeed. “Reality” is the story we tell ourself to try to explain the information our senses are delivering to us. And as you say, many of our immediate, instinctual, emotional reactions cannot be ignored but should definitely not be unexamined. IMHO. YMMV. ETC.
To quote a guy from the River Phoenix film, ‘Dog Party’:
“It’s ok, Randy! I know you lied…, + said you were sick…+ saw your girlfriend instead, + not me, because [I like you, + I like your bullshit!
You’re [my] friend, because you like me, + you like [my] bullshit.
…And all three of us joined the Red Cross + became medics, because we like the Red Cross’s bullshit. Putting up with each others: lies, bullshit, + likable behaviors, is how we show people that we like them!”
MLP porn in general makes me shudder. Despite all the objectively worse things I’ve seen, ponies with boobs still freak me out. The existence of pony guro is proof positive that there is no God and life is nothing but madness howling into the void.
Every time someone asks me why I’m not outraged about this, that, or whatever else news/social media/cause du jour has told them, I ask them a simple question that usually shuts them up.
“Between you, who reads this stuff, and me, who just tries to be decent, which of us is happier, and which of us do people smile at more?”