2781 Old Dance, New Steps.

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One of the things I like about Jess and Jo is that whatever situation they are in they mirror each other’s energy to one degree or another. Jo gets more calm and supportive as Jess gets anxious and vice versa. Not always, but generally when one starts the get shaky the other starts getting more supportive. Jess tends to be more together in most situations but fakes her way through emotional things, but Jo faces emotional things with sincerity and truthfulness to the point where it almost seems like compulsion. She hides, but not when it comes to her friends and family. In this we see some of the dichotomy of both characters. Jess has learned to use misdirection as a result of various pressures, while Jo has learned to use directness. If you add Evrina into the mix you have someone who is very thoughtless about the feelings of others. She’s truthful to the point that it’s abrasive. In a way though that’s good because you don’t have to guess about where you stand. She just tells you what she thinks without really thinking about what that will make you feel. It makes her seem malicious when really most of the time there isn’t any ill will intended, she just doesn’t think about the effect she has on others. Of course when she is being aggressive it makes her seem extra confrontational. When you look at her relationship with Maddison, for example, she doesn’t seem to think very much of her, but in reality she likes her very much. Evrina just doesn’t express herself in a way that is very mature, or compassionate. If something happened to Maddi Evrina would be devastated, but still wouldn’t know intrinsically how to express it in a way that isn’t maladapted. If you look at how Alex interacts with Evrina you can tell that she understand this and doesn’t allow Evrina’s prickly nature to get to her. If someone outside of her circle said the kinds of things Evrina casually says it would be much more hurtful to her because she doesn’t know them the same way.
Anyway, this is the kind of thing I think about while I make things. It’s also sort of how I live my life. Perpetually analyzing other people so I can try to know how to react to them and get the results I want.
I had a very bad night and that’s why the page went up so much later than normal. In order to combat the extremely low temperatures we have the heat set very high in order to keep ahead of it. The overheating of my living space makes me a little ill and makes it hard to sleep. Of course if it gets too cold that also causes problems. Trying to accurately regulate temperature isn’t always easy, so I get a bit out of sorts.
In any case I’ll try not to let it sneak up on me for Friday’s post. I guess we’ll see how that works out when we get there. Until then, keep warm, stay dry, and look out for yourself.


Ramon seems to remember the steps to this dance rather well… and Jo continues to be a horny little gremlin at the least expected of times. It’s an odd form of support, but the point of learned misdirection versus learned sincerity is interesting, as is the contrast of Evrina’s natural directness. At least one of Rulette’s customers didn’t mind it, though, and on that occasion it actually came through – once she turned her attention to Pat, anyway – that she wasn’t being malicious about it. Hell, her advice was downright benevolent, just… abrasive.

Huh, didn’t even notice the title before I chose my metaphor. I wonder whether I caught it out the corner of my eye, or strange minds merely think alike.

Sorry to hear about the heat thang. Seems so hard to get “baby bear”….
Yes indeed. I too overthink and overanalyze all my personal interactions, although it’s usually l’esprit de l’escalier. That way I can kick myself (later) for what I did and/or didn’t say, and for what I didn’t notice or understand at the moment. I try to tell myself that this habit of retrospective review will help me to “do better next time,” but it seems that rarely works.
But I’m less interesting than you are (and I’m not a cartoonist, much less an accomplished one) so I’ll shut up now.
Thanks for being here for us.

Your description of Evrina sounds like she might be on the autistic spectrum. Cronic truthfulness without thinking how it will affect those, not “reading the room” and picking up emotional cues from others.

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